rapidshare + phazeddl = free
I wouldn't bother anyway, I have 2007 and it's more trouble than it's worth! Everytime I save a document for the first time, I have to go through the "save as" menu and remember to change the format to 97-2003 Office as virtually everyone I know (most businesses too) use the old version and thus can't open the new format. Then I get a message telling me how all the new features I've used won't work if I save it that way so I just have to hope that whoever opens it gets it the way I intended...
Secondly, the new 'ribbon' design makes things that were one click before several now. They may have made it more "intuitive" but it's also a lot slower if you're used to leagacy versions.
If it wasn't for the improved (and needed) functions in Excel I'd probably uninstall it.
Last edited by =OBS= EstebanRey (17 years, 1 month ago)