If it really turns out to be free, I'll at least try it...
Does this fella look like a filantropist, who just hands out free stuff.
http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/1158 … 190qi6.jpg
http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/1158 … 190qi6.jpg
So it will be a free BF game with TF2 style graphics? Cool.
I just hope that they do the "mirco-transations" thing right and not give the people who pay to big of an advantage.
I just hope that they do the "mirco-transations" thing right and not give the people who pay to big of an advantage.
Paying for skills. What the fuck is the point there? Instead of hacking they replaced it with legit accuracy/speed/weapon boosts and skills so you have the same advantage as a hack anyway only you have to pay EA for it. Fuck this game. Fuck EA.
P.S. I usually don't quote pyramid, but hell the situation calls for it!Longbow wrote:
justice wrote:
Fuck, if this is bf3 = suicide.cablecopulate wrote:
Is this supposed to be BF3 or is this just a Battlefield side-project?
A shameless attempt by EA to copy Valve's success and originality.
Also, having to pay to make your character handle as well as other people's is wrong. Visual stuff, and maybe extra guns and whatnot maybe, but not better accuracy, speed etc. It pretty much forces you to pay money to keep up with the game. Something i'm not prepared to do.
Also, simplified? Eaiser to play? I don't think i like the sound of that. Sure, on the surface TF2 is simpler, but it has a lot of hidden depth. And since EA are obviously trying to rip it off as much as possible, they'll make it very simple to play, but probably forget about adding hidden depth.
Of course i could be completely wrong, and since this is free then i have no right to complain whatsoever, but i have very little faith in DICE.
Also, having to pay to make your character handle as well as other people's is wrong. Visual stuff, and maybe extra guns and whatnot maybe, but not better accuracy, speed etc. It pretty much forces you to pay money to keep up with the game. Something i'm not prepared to do.
Also, simplified? Eaiser to play? I don't think i like the sound of that. Sure, on the surface TF2 is simpler, but it has a lot of hidden depth. And since EA are obviously trying to rip it off as much as possible, they'll make it very simple to play, but probably forget about adding hidden depth.
Of course i could be completely wrong, and since this is free then i have no right to complain whatsoever, but i have very little faith in DICE.
I'm a total sucker for this stuff....
tbh it sounds pretty interesting. but I'd rather just have a regular battlefield game, pay 50-60 bucks for a disc and just have everything else that way.
tbh it sounds pretty interesting. but I'd rather just have a regular battlefield game, pay 50-60 bucks for a disc and just have everything else that way.
Last edited by Spearhead (2008-01-21 09:36:51)
I'll give it a try, but I won't be paying money for cartoon guns and clothes.
Have you played it?Lai wrote:
But the game itself its still free,.. I like it actually.
Wow. Could they be any more blatant about copying TF2's style?
I'll try it since it's free but what the fuck? I'm not gonna PAY for guns and clothes with REAL items.
Fucking stupid. I hope this is just a small project, and that Battlefield 3 will essentially be Battlefield 2 with better graphics/physics/gameplay. How about instead of buying items I get them in the game anyways?
Fucking stupid. I hope this is just a small project, and that Battlefield 3 will essentially be Battlefield 2 with better graphics/physics/gameplay. How about instead of buying items I get them in the game anyways?
Things might take a turn to MMO in games like battlefield too. Monthly fees, buying essential game gear with real cash etc. Not hard to put one and one together here, releasing a game where you basically get the money from one copy every month.
this sounds horrible, Paying for weapons?
plus the pic looks absolutely awful.
I do however like the site, nice work jeff.
plus the pic looks absolutely awful.
I do however like the site, nice work jeff.

Here are some of my favourite quotes:
The games has a "cartoon-feel" and has been made simpler to play, with more emphasis on participation and fun than skill and strategy.
I've always felt there was some really good fun core gameplay which was locked away by several barriers to entry: the game is complex, it is full of skilled people, you need quite a high-end PC on which to play and you need to go to store to purchase a copy.
You will be able to play this game on grandma's laptop.
So in other words, the same idiots that ruined BF2's patches through their idiotic "wouldn't it be great if you could fastrope down a blackhawk" attitude are not only getting a fair say, they're welcomed. That's right, little Jimmy who's been playing F.E.A.R. combat and Maplestory for the past six months will not only be able to join you in the virtual Battlefield but if he throws his toys out of the pram he'll be crying all the way to EA with how "unfair" and "n00bish" the thing you're doing is if he has time between downloading the latest Linkin Park album off Limewire. Doesn't it sound wonderful?There's something here for all types of players - be it our core Battlefield fans or casual gamers
Longbow wrote:
justice wrote:
Fuck, if this is bf3 = suicide.cablecopulate wrote:
Is this supposed to be BF3 or is this just a Battlefield side-project?
"Perhaps the prime candidate would be the company’s flagship Madden series, for which sales have slowed. Traditional versions of Madden are extremely complicated, but a simplified downloadable version would be expected to appeal to millions of more casual players."
Sales are dropping because they havent added shit in 5 years.
“The existing Battlefield games are fairly deep; you have to be pretty good or you’ll die pretty quick,”
now all you need to win is money
Sales are dropping because they havent added shit in 5 years.
“The existing Battlefield games are fairly deep; you have to be pretty good or you’ll die pretty quick,”
now all you need to win is money
Last edited by Miguel Diaz (2008-01-21 14:12:35)

Jesus fucking christ...
The idea of any hi-fi system is to reproduce the source material as faithfully as possible, and to deliberately add distortion to everything you hear (due to amplifier deficiencies) because it sounds 'nice' is simply not high fidelity. If that is what you want to hear then there is no problem with that, but by adding so much additional material (by way of harmonics and intermodulation) you have a tailored sound system, not a hi-fi. - Rod Elliot, ESP
"micro transations" = unlocks for money?
Well, now we know why shits been fucking up over at Dice...Ben Cousins, senior producer at Dice...

^^^ Ben Cousins, damn druggo...
Just because TF2 does something means no one else can? The art style of TF2 was great and really enforced the sillyness of the gameplay. If BFH has silly game play then why make it anything other than cartoon-esque. Would it be better if it had very unrealistic game play yet very realistic graphics? In my opinion, no.
People assume the game has silly gameplay because of the graphics. Including myself, those people would prefer the tried and true method of "not too real, not so unreal" that has been applied since 1942.DoctaStrangelove wrote:
Just because TF2 does something means no one else can? The art style of TF2 was great and really enforced the sillyness of the gameplay. If BFH has silly game play then why make it anything other than cartoon-esque. Would it be better if it had very unrealistic game play yet very realistic graphics? In my opinion, no.
Oh my god. That BBC article just made me want to throw up.
This part is the worst though.
EA translation: "The Battlefield series has deep gameplay. It requires skill to play. This is far too complex for an EA game. We appeal to the lowest common denominator, and the vocal minority. Therefore we want you at DICE to tone it down a little. Knock it down a few notches. No wait, scratch that. Knock it down all the notches until it's no more complex than a flash game, then copy the latest visual style. Then make people pay for new shoes..."
When i read the announcement, where they said it would be a free battlefield game focused on smaller scale battles with a cartoony look, i thought:
"Great, EA are well aware that they've alienated the entire Battlefield community, and are trying to make it up to everyone."
But now i've learned more about the title, i know know that it is the complete opposite. They've abandoned the Battlefield community altogether, and want money from stupid people.
And this quote here:
Thanks EA. For destroying the franchise.
Of course, i'll still try it when it's released. But with very very low expectations.
Edit: The NYT article and the BBC article directly contradict each other.
Yeah. Right.The games has a "cartoon-feel" and has been made simpler to play, with more emphasis on participation and fun than skill and strategy.
This part is the worst though.
So basically. Urgh. Can hardly bring myself to say it."I've always felt there was some really good fun core gameplay which was locked away by several barriers to entry: the game is complex, it is full of skilled people, you need quite a high-end PC on which to play and you need to go to store to purchase a copy."
"We're removing all barriers to entry and we hope there is broader audience for the title.
EA translation: "The Battlefield series has deep gameplay. It requires skill to play. This is far too complex for an EA game. We appeal to the lowest common denominator, and the vocal minority. Therefore we want you at DICE to tone it down a little. Knock it down a few notches. No wait, scratch that. Knock it down all the notches until it's no more complex than a flash game, then copy the latest visual style. Then make people pay for new shoes..."
When i read the announcement, where they said it would be a free battlefield game focused on smaller scale battles with a cartoony look, i thought:
"Great, EA are well aware that they've alienated the entire Battlefield community, and are trying to make it up to everyone."
But now i've learned more about the title, i know know that it is the complete opposite. They've abandoned the Battlefield community altogether, and want money from stupid people.
And this quote here:
basically says 'it'll look like crap'.You will be able to play this game on grandma's laptop
Thanks EA. For destroying the franchise.
Of course, i'll still try it when it's released. But with very very low expectations.
Edit: The NYT article and the BBC article directly contradict each other.
BBC:Players can pay not only for decorative items like shoes and jerseys but also for boosts in their players’ speed, agility and accuracy.
I don't know what to believe.Gamers will be able to buy items which customise their appearance in the world, but will not be able to seek an advantage through buying weapons.
Last edited by Spidery_Yoda (2008-01-21 15:47:37)
Obviously other people can, because these guys are. I think it's little pathetic that within a year, EA sees that TF2 is successful, so they try to copy it.DoctaStrangelove wrote:
Just because TF2 does something means no one else can?
Just look at this screenshot: http://battlefield-heroes.com/screenshots.asp
The guy on the cover, from BF:H, looks nearly identical to the TF2 character in the picture right below it.
OMG MARCH 2008!!!!Home wrote:
Obviously other people can, because these guys are. I think it's little pathetic that within a year, EA sees that TF2 is successful, so they try to copy it.DoctaStrangelove wrote:
Just because TF2 does something means no one else can?
Just look at this screenshot: http://battlefield-heroes.com/screenshots.asp
The guy on the cover, from BF:H, looks nearly identical to the TF2 character in the picture right below it.
also, it mentions maplestory on the cover, GENIUS!
Last edited by Miguel Diaz (2008-01-21 16:39:17)