I was pwning pretty hard, wonder if a 12 y/o admin just mashed the keyboard..
Anyone know what this message means?
Oh, just re-read it, and apparently I kicked myself..?
Last edited by Funky_Finny (2008-01-23 11:31:27)
Last edited by Funky_Finny (2008-01-23 11:31:27)
The admins not 1337 he plays in twl . Just type in the command that you got kicked for in console and change it to a 1 or 0. That will fix the problem. If you get kicked for anything else just pm me.geNius wrote:
It means you have video settings that conflict with this server's pbsv.cfg configuration.
It basically means that this server's admin is so 1337, that he downloaded an older TWL PB configuration, and never bothered to update it or understand it.
Just don't play there.