Look at that, i'm using the light to show off a pile of crap.
(Not really, it's expensive - but nothing really "cool")
So i score 4/5 and 5/5 @ Recommended @ System Requirements lab on my CPU. The Intel E850 or w/e it's called.
But, my gfxcard pfails. I can't even play BF2, (It says, but i think i can) so i need a new GFX card.
Got any suggestions? I know a lot of GeForce specs etc. but i got no clue about ATI.
I want something that's good cooled, and cheap. Cause to the CPU i'm using right now, i'm using the included cooler... which sucks. (It goes up to 69c directly, but there it stops)
I haven't got much money left, so please keep it under 320 USD or something.