I would like some reccomendations of good broadband providers in the UK and good packages with them, the only rules are that I can only afford £20 a month max and we don't have cable in my area.
This is all because my ISP (virginmedia) managed to royally fuck up my internet last july and I've spent nearly 7 months complaining about it to them to get it fixed, this culminated in a 4 hour technical help session I had last night where I talked to about 4 different people who all suggested different things, none of them worked. The service from them was truly aweful (this was on their online technical help messenger like thingy) as we would talk for a while then they would suddenly not respond to any messages I sent for 20/30 minutes at which time I would start the whole process again as the internet was still shite.
To put this shite internet into perspective I show you this speedtest which I have just done.
Though normally the speeds alot lower than that (roughly 450kb/s) and the ping is about 440.
So any good reccomendations for an ISP.
This is all because my ISP (virginmedia) managed to royally fuck up my internet last july and I've spent nearly 7 months complaining about it to them to get it fixed, this culminated in a 4 hour technical help session I had last night where I talked to about 4 different people who all suggested different things, none of them worked. The service from them was truly aweful (this was on their online technical help messenger like thingy) as we would talk for a while then they would suddenly not respond to any messages I sent for 20/30 minutes at which time I would start the whole process again as the internet was still shite.
To put this shite internet into perspective I show you this speedtest which I have just done.
Though normally the speeds alot lower than that (roughly 450kb/s) and the ping is about 440.
So any good reccomendations for an ISP.