Zero!. wrote:
umm you cant actually take a screenshot of another player using pb as the screenshots are taken on an interval of 20 seconds (providing u aint changed the pb_sleep time)
those shots are then sent to evenbalence which are checked then sent to the server host
this process can take like up to 10 days to complete.
this is the procedure i know of as i asked a friend of mine who owns his own server
Sorry to say that, but this is completely wrong.
pb_sleep has nothing to do with screenshots on server- or clientside. If you want to let the server take screenshots automatically you have to configure the punkbuster server with "pb_sv_autoss 1".
Screenshots on servers are usually not taken every 20 seconds, rather every 180-240 seconds minimum and 1200 seconds maximum. But this is up to the admin of the gameservers and the player itself cant do anything legal against this.
Punkbuster screenshots arent sent automatically to you rather have to do that by yourself if there is something suspicious on a screenshot and then admins are going to decide if there's a program used that shouldn' be used.
@ Blehm98
Just read the link i provided in my first posting and scroll down almost to the botton, there are the informations regarding screenshots doing from the client or server.