So, after a week of building and tuning I've got new new PC set up and running smooth. Except for two minor problems.
My front panel plugs for headphones and mic don't work. All I've done is plugged the cord labeled "AC97" into the FRPANEL sound pins on my mobo.
More importantly,
Windows/Realtek decided to call my Mic In "Rear Pink In" and BF2's VOIP will not work. Mic works just fine, but BF2 doesn't recognize it when I do the VOIP setup. What else can I do to try and remedy this?
My front panel plugs for headphones and mic don't work. All I've done is plugged the cord labeled "AC97" into the FRPANEL sound pins on my mobo.
More importantly,
Windows/Realtek decided to call my Mic In "Rear Pink In" and BF2's VOIP will not work. Mic works just fine, but BF2 doesn't recognize it when I do the VOIP setup. What else can I do to try and remedy this?