I was thinking about it and realised that PC is only good for FPS and RTS games. You're not gonna make much money in the PC bznz if your game doesn't work well on a mouse/keyboard. That's why most PC games these days are FPS/RTS games.
I'm a casual gamer, so i prefer consoles.
Controllers are intuative.
Games always work.
XBL rocks.
And i experience fewer problems with a console tbh.
Controllers are intuative.
Games always work.
XBL rocks.
And i experience fewer problems with a console tbh.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Name 1 genre of game which is better using a controller to a mouse and keyboard. There are none.Mek-Izzle wrote:
I was thinking about it and realised that PC is only good for FPS and RTS games. You're not gonna make much money in the PC bznz if your game doesn't work well on a mouse/keyboard. That's why most PC games these days are FPS/RTS games.
As Little BaBy JESUS said most people have a computer for work/internet anyway, so why spend $xxx on a console when that extra money could be spent making your already working computer just a little better to run games?
Is PC gaming profitable? Yes, but you need to make the game good. Think about the money Blizzard is making off WoW, or EA is making off the server rental in BF2. Sure piracy has and will have an impact on profits, but new ways to make money out of games as mentioned above is off setting these loses.
Let's look at some games for the PC and how they did
WoW: ~9 million copies sold
HL2: ~4.5 million copies sold
O-Box: ~2.5 million copies sold (on PC, include Xbox and PS3 and its more like 3.5)
BF2: ~2.5 million copies sold
Crysis: ~1.5 million copies sold
CoD4: ~2.0 million copies sold (on PC alone, on with consoles its closer to 4 million)
PC gaming is doing fine
WoW: ~9 million copies sold
HL2: ~4.5 million copies sold
O-Box: ~2.5 million copies sold (on PC, include Xbox and PS3 and its more like 3.5)
BF2: ~2.5 million copies sold
Crysis: ~1.5 million copies sold
CoD4: ~2.0 million copies sold (on PC alone, on with consoles its closer to 4 million)
PC gaming is doing fine
Added stuff inside quote.DrunkFace wrote:
Name 1 genre of game which is better using a controller to a mouse and keyboard. There are none.Mek-Izzle wrote:
I was thinking about it and realised that PC is only good for FPS and RTS games. You're not gonna make much money in the PC bznz if your game doesn't work well on a mouse/keyboard. That's why most PC games these days are FPS/RTS games.
Racing/Football games.
As Little BaBy JESUS said most people have a computer for work/internet anyway, so why spend $xxx on a console when that extra money could be spent making your already working computer just a little better to run games?
Because it's a hassle to normal people that don't know how to make a computer. It's easier to buy a console, and you can lie down on sofa and play it on a big 42" plasma TV.
DrivingDrunkFace wrote:
Name 1 genre of game which is better using a controller to a mouse and keyboard. There are none.Mek-Izzle wrote:
I was thinking about it and realised that PC is only good for FPS and RTS games. You're not gonna make much money in the PC bznz if your game doesn't work well on a mouse/keyboard. That's why most PC games these days are FPS/RTS games.
Pretty much all Sports games
Games like GTA/MGS are awkward on mouse/keyboard.
Like I said, aside from shooting games (ie 3rd/1st Shooters) and RTS games, the mouse and keyboard isn't all that.
Last edited by Mek-Izzle (17 years, 1 month ago)
ahahahaha. I knew you'd call me on that. But advocating a website and using a thing called humor are different.naightknifar wrote:
lavadisk wrote:
and build a tent and say the world is dry.NeXuS4909 wrote:
Build a computer for porn.Says the one who flames everyone and has the Email your reply back ASAP scrolling sig.lavadisk wrote:
4chan died a while ago. Stop mindlessly following them and act normal.naightknifar wrote:
One word: DESU
In all seriousness 4chan>you PC Gaming has always been more profitable and a much wider enjoyed genre.
It just took those assholes ages to realize.
We both posted our thoughts - You just flamed. GTFO or shut up.
And I have nothing against you. btw.
/b/'s Violent side died after the Omaha Shooting. The Porno obsessed desu weaboo's are still in control.
(excuse me for bringing it off topic)David.P wrote:
/b/'s Violent side died after the Omaha Shooting. The Porno obsessed desu weaboo's are still in control.
I think its just turned into a place where rejects can act like faggots without the skillful manipulation of new and old memes. Its basically turned into a myspace for angsty teens who want to bitch about how they hate their girlfriends or are thinking about killing them selfs.
is the mouse / Keyboard thing still an issue ? I was of the opinion that all modern consoles allow the use of mouse/keyboard ?
True. I miss the /b/ i knew a few months back. Now it's just like myspace except with less emo's and not enough people encouraging them to kill themselves.(Remember when an entire thread would be just "kill yourself" and not "Emo fag?" Those were the days.
Only a few allow them for a few games.B.Schuss wrote:
is the mouse / Keyboard thing still an issue ? I was of the opinion that all modern consoles allow the use of mouse/keyboard ?
yeah but then whats the point in having a console? Anyway its kinda un intuative and doenst work the same as the PCB.Schuss wrote:
is the mouse / Keyboard thing still an issue ? I was of the opinion that all modern consoles allow the use of mouse/keyboard ?
Are these real figures or based on amount of online players?DoctaStrangelove wrote:
Let's look at some games for the PC and how they did
WoW: ~9 million copies sold
HL2: ~4.5 million copies sold
O-Box: ~2.5 million copies sold (on PC, include Xbox and PS3 and its more like 3.5)
BF2: ~2.5 million copies sold
Crysis: ~1.5 million copies sold
CoD4: ~2.0 million copies sold (on PC alone, on with consoles its closer to 4 million)
PC gaming is doing fine
Consoles are much better for gaming with friends, i.e. used to get 4 of us all bashing away on the ole N64 controllers trying to reverse moves on Wrestlemania or blowing the hell out of each other on PD and Goldeneye. All 4 of us owned a '64, had the game and controllers = money for the developer. And, its far more sociable (with your friends) which is a big bonus.
Whats more, there are far less bugs in console games as it is one system that fits all. Whereas every PC is different, so PC games usually require a lot higher level of tech support and design to account for all eventualities. And, PC's are generally more unstable.
It is profitable, if its done right. Consoles are obviously getting more popular - but then you can say that a correctly setup PC game developer, i.e. Valve, cant even begin to compete. They advertise and stell their games via their own system and their tech support and patching process has certainly stepped up to the level expected compared to when it first came out.
Whats more, there are far less bugs in console games as it is one system that fits all. Whereas every PC is different, so PC games usually require a lot higher level of tech support and design to account for all eventualities. And, PC's are generally more unstable.
It is profitable, if its done right. Consoles are obviously getting more popular - but then you can say that a correctly setup PC game developer, i.e. Valve, cant even begin to compete. They advertise and stell their games via their own system and their tech support and patching process has certainly stepped up to the level expected compared to when it first came out.
Last edited by Snake (17 years, 1 month ago)
Also easier to buy a big 42" plasma TV? For the money of a good HD-TV you can buy a complete kickass gaming PC. I think most console-kiddies in here play on daddy's expensive TV. If you take the cost of a TV into account a PC is not nearly as expensive. Also, console games are over-priced.jord wrote:
Because it's a hassle to normal people that don't know how to make a computer. It's easier to buy a console, and you can lie down on sofa and play it on a big 42" plasma TV.
Added stuff inside quote.
(And saying console games are harder to pirate is bullshit, I know tons of people who own stacks of pirated console games.)
PC FTW. (I do, however, own an xbox, ps2, gamecube and wii.)
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell
A 42" TV isn't required obviously, I was making a point that console gaming is more relaxing...LaidBackNinja wrote:
Also easier to buy a big 42" plasma TV? For the money of a good HD-TV you can buy a complete kickass gaming PC. I think most console-kiddies in here play on daddy's expensive TV. If you take the cost of a TV into account a PC is not nearly as expensive. Also, console games are over-priced.jord wrote:
Because it's a hassle to normal people that don't know how to make a computer. It's easier to buy a console, and you can lie down on sofa and play it on a big 42" plasma TV.
Added stuff inside quote.
(And saying console games are harder to pirate is bullshit, I know tons of people who own stacks of pirated console games.)
PC FTW. (I do, however, own an xbox, ps2, gamecube and wii.)
What's with the console kiddies remark? I'm not a kid and I know lots of people who have consoles older than me. The consoles are for kids is a far outdated stereotype. It's like saying online PC gaming is for nerds.
I don't expect to see no bias in these "debates". Being a PC game forum and all, but don't start the consoles kiddies shit...
i like them both.
PC Gaming will always be profitible, because if you buy a high-end card, you can play games without updating for years and years. On console games, they can only play to a certain maximum graphics wise. PC games have unlimited capabilities (as seen with Crysis).
Read them on Wikipedia, though I did read it a couple of weeks ago so they might be slightly off.RDMC wrote:
Are these real figures or based on amount of online players?DoctaStrangelove wrote:
Let's look at some games for the PC and how they did
WoW: ~9 million copies sold
HL2: ~4.5 million copies sold
O-Box: ~2.5 million copies sold (on PC, include Xbox and PS3 and its more like 3.5)
BF2: ~2.5 million copies sold
Crysis: ~1.5 million copies sold
CoD4: ~2.0 million copies sold (on PC alone, on with consoles its closer to 4 million)
PC gaming is doing fine
i wont play console games unless they become fully mouse and keyboard compatible like PC games. And there is going to be a market for gamers like me for a long time, because these games have been around for a while now and just arent the same on a console or the avg home TV. 90% of TVs look like low resolution vomit compared with the average computer monitor, lcd or crt. and you cant play RTS, one of the most popular genres.
anyway, in theory the PC market should be in a kind of cyclic trough. the consoles are still pretty new so people have less incentive to upgrade aging PCs because the gfx performance is comparable in a simple console. as PCs advance and consoles age, PC and PC game sales will go up. i wouldnt mind if consoles started getting windows licensed for them so that ur console takes the place of your computer and you could choose to own one or the other if you want a simple package that could be branded with specific games so you arent wondering about compatibility, but i just think buying two computers is stupid. the only way consoles could completely take over is if PC parts get more expensive or if consoles started coming out every couple years (which they might). then the gfx and gameplay would keep up with pcs, but we would be paying about as much as a computer per year, on top of the real computer that weve already bought.
i think the fact is that games belong on computers, but consoles are taking over because most of us are dumb enough to buy two computers and the corporations have no incentive to stop you from giving them more of your money. the only reason why consoles exist is because there was a time when the average family couldnt afford to buy a whole computer and didnt need to, so companies like atari, nintendo, and sega made really simple cheap computers just for games to bring non-computer owners (ie, normal non-geeky people) into the game market. but now that practically every american or european needs internet access to go about their life, we no longer have a use for a stripped down simple computer, because the ones we own are fully functional.
sports and driving games can be better on consoles, i agree, but its not because of the controls, its just that you can have 4 people together in your family room playing against each other. but its silly that the same thing isnt possible on PCs for all sports and driving games using S-video and USB controllers/multiple M&K's (). more than likely this is just an instance of how the gaming industry preserves the obsolete but highly lucrative console market. and flying games are equally inferior with an xbox controller or M&K when compared with a joystick, so if anything, thats a point for PCs. all the best flight sims are PC games, its almost a uniquely PC game market last time i checked (which i admit wasnt recently).
anyway, in theory the PC market should be in a kind of cyclic trough. the consoles are still pretty new so people have less incentive to upgrade aging PCs because the gfx performance is comparable in a simple console. as PCs advance and consoles age, PC and PC game sales will go up. i wouldnt mind if consoles started getting windows licensed for them so that ur console takes the place of your computer and you could choose to own one or the other if you want a simple package that could be branded with specific games so you arent wondering about compatibility, but i just think buying two computers is stupid. the only way consoles could completely take over is if PC parts get more expensive or if consoles started coming out every couple years (which they might). then the gfx and gameplay would keep up with pcs, but we would be paying about as much as a computer per year, on top of the real computer that weve already bought.
i think the fact is that games belong on computers, but consoles are taking over because most of us are dumb enough to buy two computers and the corporations have no incentive to stop you from giving them more of your money. the only reason why consoles exist is because there was a time when the average family couldnt afford to buy a whole computer and didnt need to, so companies like atari, nintendo, and sega made really simple cheap computers just for games to bring non-computer owners (ie, normal non-geeky people) into the game market. but now that practically every american or european needs internet access to go about their life, we no longer have a use for a stripped down simple computer, because the ones we own are fully functional.
whoa i completely disagree. i have yet to find a game that felt better on a little game controller. i mean a keyboard is a controller too. it just has way more buttons and ive used keyboards just like the one in front of me for most of my life (and am thus, quite used to it). and a mouse is god knows how many times more sensitive and accurate than any tiny analog stick can be, so i just dont see how any game could be better with such inferior controls unless u had only played the game with those controls and hadnt had the opportunity to realize how much more effective you could be with mouse sensitivity. and GTA in particular is a game that i think is way better with PC controls, keyboard for the early releases and the mouse becomes essential in VC and SA. there is a reason why console games usually come with aimbots.Mek-Izzle wrote:
DrivingDrunkFace wrote:
Name 1 genre of game which is better using a controller to a mouse and keyboard. There are none.Mek-Izzle wrote:
I was thinking about it and realised that PC is only good for FPS and RTS games. You're not gonna make much money in the PC bznz if your game doesn't work well on a mouse/keyboard. That's why most PC games these days are FPS/RTS games.
Pretty much all Sports games
Games like GTA/MGS are awkward on mouse/keyboard.
Like I said, aside from shooting games (ie 3rd/1st Shooters) and RTS games, the mouse and keyboard isn't all that.
sports and driving games can be better on consoles, i agree, but its not because of the controls, its just that you can have 4 people together in your family room playing against each other. but its silly that the same thing isnt possible on PCs for all sports and driving games using S-video and USB controllers/multiple M&K's (). more than likely this is just an instance of how the gaming industry preserves the obsolete but highly lucrative console market. and flying games are equally inferior with an xbox controller or M&K when compared with a joystick, so if anything, thats a point for PCs. all the best flight sims are PC games, its almost a uniquely PC game market last time i checked (which i admit wasnt recently).
Last edited by Marinejuana (17 years, 1 month ago)
What sane person would play an FPS o RTS on a console when they could do it on the PC? The fucking controller is a major gimp, not as many buttons as the keyboard and less precise than the mouse.
It's a question of preference, not sanity.DoctaStrangelove wrote:
What sane person would play an FPS o RTS on a console when they could do it on the PC? The fucking controller is a major gimp, not as many buttons as the keyboard and less precise than the mouse.
FPS is slow and lame on console, you either have auto-aim which takes out any real challenge or you are degraded to spraying your gun and waving the stick every which way in the hopes of hitting something. In PC its much more fluid, you can be both fast and accurate at the same time, with the controller you must trade one or the other. RTS on console, despite EALA's best attempts, cannot be salvaged, its just that bad, take CnC3, which is supposed to be one of the better console RTS's, on the PC it is very easy to have good control over the camera and all your units and build queues. The console one (which I have played before you ask) it is difficult to order your units, the controller's lack of precision makes it very hard to select and individual unit, and on the PC you can queue up new units in without moving your camera, place bookmarks on unit groups and map points, reverse move your units and much more. The PC version of CnC3 is way more fluent than the Xbox one, and CnC3 is one of the least micro-intensive RTS to have been recently released.jord wrote:
It's a question of preference, not sanity.DoctaStrangelove wrote:
What sane person would play an FPS o RTS on a console when they could do it on the PC? The fucking controller is a major gimp, not as many buttons as the keyboard and less precise than the mouse.
im done with PC gaming. not worth the time or money to upgrade my rig anymore. as long as i have a good computer to do my job, its all good