Hi all. I'm new to the forums and a noob in game (been playing less than a month).  Most people brag about this and that but I wanted to have some humor in my first post

Stupid things Paul has done in BF2:
1. Accidentally throwing a grenade after throwing your last ammo pack (game automatically switches to grenade ) and killing 4 or your squadmates.
2. Trying to convince yourself that you can fly a chopper without a joystick so you kill 3 people who hitched a ride.
3. Getting sniped by the same sniper three times in a row thinking you can get to him first

Ok those are some of my noob mistakes...let's hear about yours
Radioactive Glo
+130|7151|A Small Isle in the Tropics

my first attempt at knifing..and i knived a teammate because of the red glitch it was the most shortlived "yahoooo" i had ever yelled.

..and replenishing my C4 desperately from a supply crate as it slid down a slope and not realising it started changing direction, crushing me in the process.. dumbass.

oh.. and welcome to the forums, Paul.. and please remember to use the "search" function as frequently as you can.. they tend to shoot kneecaps and slice nuts here for not doing that..


Last edited by mikeshw (2005-09-28 04:09:25)

Hmmm, anybody ever placed 1 too many C4s? the know the one with the button?

Did that 3 times (you know just to be sure it realy says boom)

Yeah, placing one too many c4s.  Getting killed by my own supply drops.  Getting killed by a parked car.  And of course getting killed by the guy in the server who is 0-20.
I once joined in the midle of a battle and got my very first time as MEC - when I spawned an angry-looking guy came running straight against me and i GUNNED HIM DOWN BEACAUSE HE WAS RED... I quickly found the button for SORRY - I F*CKED UP!!

Embarrasing *Lol* - It is also very embarrasing to run friends/co-players over when driving a bit backwards...
Most people choose to forgive when I shock them back alive, but somebody is always happy to punish me anyway... Makes me want to run them down again, but I guess I deserve the punish and have better things to do...

Or when jumping from a house and parachute won't work... Actually that is more annoying than embarrasing -Though a buddy once asked after diving to the ground wether the parachute was "8" or "0" *Lol*

Embarrasing? Bailing out of a bomber with your mate who opens his parachute fast, then drop on his chute and die...

by the way Pinky_81 your chute never fails, you just have to hit 9 as soon as your gun dissapears from screen, before that happones your chute wont work
Oh - Really Embarrased now then...

Jumping from roof to roof only to find myself sliding to my death.... that goes for hills as well.
Being runover by my own vehicle after ditching it.
Own helicopter landing on me..... or worse, flying it upside down, jumping out and getting shredded. (KB and mouse).
Standing in front of a RED, me thinking, 'he looks a bit mean', then he shoots me.
And the finale, you know that noise critically damaged armour makes before it goes 'BOOM'..... not bloody listening to it and going 'BOOM' with it

Thanks Paul, I was trying to forget all of the above (welcome as well).
The Last Man Standing
Ohh where do I start?

-Getting killed by an enemy medic with the defib, hearing that zap always brings back bead memories
-Trying to use a helicopter and then having my joystick cut out, the guys in that tank on my team never really saw what got them
-Accidently bombing teammates (well, 4 of them for 1 of the enemy? right?)
-Getting chased around an enemy base before being run over, I was so close to the gate as well ^^
-And the classic, slamming into the ground because I hit 7 repeatedly

Welcome to the forums, see you around!
Suicide Operations
I once blew up my own team's commander assets, because I usually play the other team... hell...
I was throwing c4 out of a helo and clicking after the 5th charge Boom 5 teamkills and suicide LoL

Doing arti and getting 8 TK's
Jumping from the dam at kubra, landing on a teammate and killing him (jumping WITH chute)
Try to destroy a tank with helo, goinging down, firing, and forgetting to pull up

Greetz Kamikaza

P.S. welcome to the forum (i'm new myself too)
Get C4, here!

Mining the living bejesus out of the main roads on karkand, only to have friendly tanks, APCs, and vehicles drive right over them.  My first lesson in player idiocy was a hard one, and cost way too many points.
+7|7105|TN, USA
I don't think I can play a round without cracking at least a few shots off at the teammate that comes charging around a corner unexpectedly.

Target fixating when flying and doing the Kamikaze thing as mentioned above.

Opening fire in a helo on some tanks/apc's only to have the names suddenly show up in blue. "Check your fire!!"
omg deader thats exactly what i was about to write: when your in a helo and you spam the mini-g`s you dont see the names from far until you see you have killed a teammate that sux.

also: when ur in a car rolling really fast and out of nowhere another friend car smashes into you , that happend so many times to me

also: when your in a chopper and you turn around in the helipad and you tk someone with your chopper just by turning it around, that sux

also: you know when you are in crouch mode and you are near a box, and you are hiding from a tank, firing that missile and it hits the box and you explode, that really sux.

another thing: when your all nevrous and you have tanks around you and you wanna c4 them just realizing then that you have dropped an extra c4 and press on a button and you go down with it.

also: when you try to medic a friend and get killed by medikin him

also: when you jump from a helicopter and fall on an edge and then re-fall and cant deploy the chute, you die.

also ( wow im not fire ) : when you waste an entire clip at someones face and he takes out his knife and kills you. ok thats it my hands hurt
The Forum Alien
+89|7119|The planet Tophet
getting run over by my own car, juping out of plane and having it hit me and die, one two many c4 and acedently blowing up (fun to watch me fly), and  lastly shotting the wrong plane/tank/trooper,car,heli, ect ect
Artillery catcher
+5|7152|Munich, Germany
i also admit to have blown up a wholy loaded friendly Bh while tossing C4 out of the side got kicked for that after the 3rd punish

thinking i can make it to the second artillery while under fire and wasting 5 min of footwalk into the enemy base.

trying to shoot down a BH withg a jet and not pulling up soon enough resulting in a crash and looking like a n00b

and welcome to the forums (wow this place is getting more and more popular )
Bloody Sky
- Went C4 crazy because this tank whore was pissing me off. So I was clicking really fast and I blew myself up.
- Accidently blew up one of my own teams Arty (back when I first started playing the game, I was in a "modded" server that let you play with the unlcok and I was using the Spec Ops and I got team switched whitout knowing.)
- Ran over enemy mines thinking they where C4
- Sniping standing up on top of a building (LoL)
- Chased after an Anti-Tank guy with my knife hoping to knife him but he turned around and blew my face off with his DAO-12.

That's all I can think of atm.
Hey all, noob to the board, but not BF2 (I go back to BF1942 and DC).

Most embarrasing is when I'm panicking because I see people charging me, and I'm hitting E, R, Q, basically anything other W. Even worse when I start hitting numbers and switch weapons as I randomly push keys without taking my eyes off the screen.
Bloody Sky

Donnyboy wrote:

Hey all, noob to the board, but not BF2 (I go back to BF1942 and DC).

Most embarrasing is when I'm panicking because I see people charging me, and I'm hitting E, R, Q, basically anything other W. Even worse when I start hitting numbers and switch weapons as I randomly push keys without taking my eyes off the screen.
LoL Nice!
I sometimes I either put my fingers on S,Z,C or A,Shift,X (How I get Shifty confused with A I'll never know.) and I'll start movie sideways or backwords when I'm wanting to go foward and I'll be all like "WTF!?!" And then find my keying is wrong.
LMAO! Glad I'm not the only one.

I think the worst part was attacking a charging guy with a bag of ammo.
I think I win the BF2 n00b award... having been a convert from CS from the early days, my mental association was the all CTs are Blue and all T's are red... and took that into BF2. First time I ever played China, you can guess what happened - it was actually really funny in hindsight - a nightmare for me.

I spawned at the airfield and a Blue guy was taking the chopper. I thought to myself (since I knew I was playing China), wow can't let him (the CT) get away, i'd better hide in the grass.  He flew his chopper next to me (presumably to pick me up as his gunner), and me thinking he was still the enemy (and I was so cool and still concealed) quickly smacked on some C4 and blew him to bits.  You won't believe the flack I got from the team, I was in a squad that deserted me - and I subject to so many (failed) kick votes.  I think a game op actually joined my team and followed me around the rest of the round to make sure I wasn't ruining the game, but I didn't and haven't made that mistake ever again!  I couldn't even apologize, cos I was pressing the 'y' key.
Silent but deadly...
+1|7129|Nellis AFB (Las Vegas, NV)
I blew up my teams UAV and Scan Radar once. Don't ask me how, even I don't know. Once I realized what I did I immediatly disconnected. So much shame...*sighs*
Like Pinky, I killed everyone that was blue when I was MEC, being a BF1942 vet. Took a while to get used to blue always being my team. Now if I play BF1942 (happens very rarely), I have to remember not to shoot the reds when I am German/Japanese.
Wow I don't feel like such a noob now
Bloody Sky
Well, glad we could help!

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