I doubt it... you're confused.
First-off Physx is primarily a software physics kit (SDK), like Havok is a software physics kit (SDK). Games already are developed without the need for a PPU (Physics Processing Unit); there is already a bunch of Physx & Havok titles that use one or the other SDK. That is the point and reason for the SDK accelerator-card; to off-load the calcs for either the CPU and/or the GPU. The Ageia Physx (formerly Novadex?), SDK, as a card is an accelerator that off-loads physics-calcs that the CPU is doing (in the SDK). Having the GPU do that will LOWER the performance of the GPU-card and overall system performance; when compared to a system with 3 separate dedicated pathways: CPU, GPU, PPU.
Nvidia bought a software SDK and a PPU-card implementation. If you think they want to kill parallel processing, by incorporating physics calcs all-in-one on a GPU, than I think you are mistaken. That is the point of the PPU. The business IFs are: how to make a PPU a, more or less, design standard, can you incorporate it onto a main-board (thus not waste a PCI-slot), incorporate the chip and a pathway on a GPU-card (and not interfere with the render-pipeline), things like that.
If a Geforce-card is optimized for physics than it will be for the Physx SDK (the one Nvidia bought); but that already exists it's called an Ageia Physx PPU-card. Instead of re-inventing the wheel - I think they will simply improve the technology that exists instead (hardware support for an SDK).
Last edited by topal63 (17 years ago)