FloppY_ wrote:
A phone that you cannot even install a third party app on, is NOT a smartphone,, it is bricked
You are truly uneducated when it comes to this. Listen, I'm not big fan of Apple either, but they really hit the gold mine when they released the iPhone. You CAN install 3rd party apps, I don't know what you're talking about. Check here:
http://www.apple.com/webapps/There's even a guide on how to make your own.
The iPhone can do everything any other smartphone can and more. It has internet, a great camera, customizable voicemail, an awesome MP3 player that works in sync with the phone, crystal clear sound quality, a built in music store, and it's all out just generally cool. What do other smartphones have that the iPhone doesn't? The only thing I can think of off the top of my head is FM Radio, but nobody really needs that anymore anyways.
Plus, it now goes up to 16gb (which I'm getting next month) and probably 32gb in the future.