So I get home, turn my computer on, only to realise that it boots fine untill it has to load windows, where it simply stops, and returns to BIOS where it idles..
It sounds like my primary HDD is ticking when it is idling?
I've cleaned my case now, and I doubt it has helped, but I need to know if I can boot now without putting new cooling paste on my CPU cooler, since I pulled it off and blew it clean of dust with compressed air...?
Halp plz
It sounds like my primary HDD is ticking when it is idling?
I've cleaned my case now, and I doubt it has helped, but I need to know if I can boot now without putting new cooling paste on my CPU cooler, since I pulled it off and blew it clean of dust with compressed air...?
Halp plz
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me