I was thinking how longstanding BF2 has been, and also thinking about, 2142, although a good game, didn't quite match up.
Considering they use the same engine, and people complaining of 2142 merely being a BF2 mod, Would it be better for EA to release a game, and stick with it for longer periods of time, enhancing the game, adding new features.
Or, should EA Stick with thier plan, and release an all new game every few years.
I would like to have seen EA stick with BF2 longer myself, and waited to release a better 2142. fix bugs, more or BIGGER booster packs.
Plus, with the awards system, it's kinda ruins the awards to do it all over again two years later. (Stats R LIFE posters, shh please)
It just seems that if there are going to be stats, awards, and the like, should the games just be bigger more drawn out, or new games every few years, to keep up with the gaming technology?
Considering they use the same engine, and people complaining of 2142 merely being a BF2 mod, Would it be better for EA to release a game, and stick with it for longer periods of time, enhancing the game, adding new features.
Or, should EA Stick with thier plan, and release an all new game every few years.
I would like to have seen EA stick with BF2 longer myself, and waited to release a better 2142. fix bugs, more or BIGGER booster packs.
Plus, with the awards system, it's kinda ruins the awards to do it all over again two years later. (Stats R LIFE posters, shh please)
It just seems that if there are going to be stats, awards, and the like, should the games just be bigger more drawn out, or new games every few years, to keep up with the gaming technology?