A few days (now months) ago when I started battlefield2 everything went fine, the movie and all that pre-stuff.
but when I came to the menu everything was wierd , instead of saying "EXIT" up in the right corner it said "MAIN BUTTON_6"...
the same with all the other buttons but not the same text.
So i exit the game and took out the disc and put it in again, then the start window came up and instead of "play" it said "insall" but the icons on the desktop were still there so i took away the icons and try to install ballefield2 ... this is what happens...
*choose language- Ichoose swedish cuz I´m from sweden.
*main page- I click install
*the "install wizzard shield" window appears and its loading
*when it has finished loading it disappears and nothing more ahppens...at all.
Its been like this for months now!
but when I came to the menu everything was wierd , instead of saying "EXIT" up in the right corner it said "MAIN BUTTON_6"...
the same with all the other buttons but not the same text.
So i exit the game and took out the disc and put it in again, then the start window came up and instead of "play" it said "insall" but the icons on the desktop were still there so i took away the icons and try to install ballefield2 ... this is what happens...
*choose language- Ichoose swedish cuz I´m from sweden.
*main page- I click install
*the "install wizzard shield" window appears and its loading
*when it has finished loading it disappears and nothing more ahppens...at all.
Its been like this for months now!