o.k. if i play a game where i create the server and put bots in i can kill them with no issues (if it says it takes 3 shots to kill with that gun then that's all i need) BUT when i join a server to play on line, it seems that it takes twice as many hits to kill ??!! now I've checked to make sure i have a low ping and that the person I'm shooting has a ping that's close to the same and it doesn't make a difference. i don't want to say every ones hacking, and i don't think I'm that bad of a player that i cant hit a stationary target 25 ft away but i seem to loose just about every 1 on 1 i get into EVEN WHEN I GET THE DROP ON THE TARGET ...... so my question is ........ is there something i might be doing, or a setting that might be wrong that could be causing this....
i am using a router and i have a cable connection .... and i usually play on server that i have a 50 or less ping.... could it be that my p.c. is a little old (3yrs) ? it just seems to me that even if my p.c. is old hitting (and showing a rosebud) isn't doing what it's suppose to be doing ..... according to this site if a gun can kill a target with no armor in 4 shots and 5 to kill a target with armor than 6 or 8 shots should be overkill
EXAMPLE: i was on Karkland, running from the train station ... over the bridge...i had just past the island in the middle.... i was well behind a squad that turned left at the end of the bridge and headed up the hill... an enemy came out from behind the little guard house at the end of the bridge ,went to prone and started shooting at the other squad ( facing my 9:00 position) i dropped to a knee, zoomed in with the G36E and fired .. rose budding with each burst 6 times i hit him ... 4 times before he turned and fired at me ...killing me with the F2000 (not sure if he was bursting or spray and pray because i died so quick) ..... this has been an ongoing problem and it happens with every gun.
i just re-read this post and i can just see the responses now......... the never fail "oh you just suck.. NOOOOOOB" BLAH BLAH BLAH.
please help..... looking for real answers......... NOT A 12 YR OLD'S SARCASM
i am using a router and i have a cable connection .... and i usually play on server that i have a 50 or less ping.... could it be that my p.c. is a little old (3yrs) ? it just seems to me that even if my p.c. is old hitting (and showing a rosebud) isn't doing what it's suppose to be doing ..... according to this site if a gun can kill a target with no armor in 4 shots and 5 to kill a target with armor than 6 or 8 shots should be overkill
EXAMPLE: i was on Karkland, running from the train station ... over the bridge...i had just past the island in the middle.... i was well behind a squad that turned left at the end of the bridge and headed up the hill... an enemy came out from behind the little guard house at the end of the bridge ,went to prone and started shooting at the other squad ( facing my 9:00 position) i dropped to a knee, zoomed in with the G36E and fired .. rose budding with each burst 6 times i hit him ... 4 times before he turned and fired at me ...killing me with the F2000 (not sure if he was bursting or spray and pray because i died so quick) ..... this has been an ongoing problem and it happens with every gun.
i just re-read this post and i can just see the responses now......... the never fail "oh you just suck.. NOOOOOOB" BLAH BLAH BLAH.
please help..... looking for real answers......... NOT A 12 YR OLD'S SARCASM
Last edited by 11FG Freak (2008-03-05 20:05:34)