Donno if I posted this before. Kinda cool how Tool intricately incorporated the Fibonacci squence into their song. The video explains it. And the song is great.
I never really paid attention to Tool, and I really like this song.
That's really cool how they used the Fibonacci sequence as well.
That's really cool how they used the Fibonacci sequence as well.
i love tool
This is actually pretty common, things like this and them.
IMO, that's would music should be like. intelligent, well desgined, hidden meanings, etc.
Probably my favorite band. I knew about this for a long time, but have never seen a video running with it.
The song 46&2 makes no sense really unless you read about Jungs works and Psychology.
Most of thier songs are very cryptic, well, thier last album not as much. But AEnima is filled with references, alternate meanings, hidden messages.
Pretty cool really. Sadly, alot of tool fans know this about tool and now, because they listen to tool, the christen themselves as geniuses and enlighten beings, and anyone who doesn't like tool, just "don't understand, dude" That's my only gripe about this.
I read about Carl Jung, and understand kinda what 46&2 is saying. But Jung is too much for me. But some Tool fans, fucking know Jung personally, apparently. Now i'm just ranting.
But yeah. Tool does what musicians should do IMO; try to make you think.
IMO, that's would music should be like. intelligent, well desgined, hidden meanings, etc.
Probably my favorite band. I knew about this for a long time, but have never seen a video running with it.
The song 46&2 makes no sense really unless you read about Jungs works and Psychology.
Most of thier songs are very cryptic, well, thier last album not as much. But AEnima is filled with references, alternate meanings, hidden messages.
Pretty cool really. Sadly, alot of tool fans know this about tool and now, because they listen to tool, the christen themselves as geniuses and enlighten beings, and anyone who doesn't like tool, just "don't understand, dude" That's my only gripe about this.
I read about Carl Jung, and understand kinda what 46&2 is saying. But Jung is too much for me. But some Tool fans, fucking know Jung personally, apparently. Now i'm just ranting.
But yeah. Tool does what musicians should do IMO; try to make you think.
Last edited by RoosterCantrell (17 years ago)
Best. Song. Ever. Period.
Pure Bliss...
Pure Bliss...
It fucken sucksSnowmanimal wrote:
Best. Song. Ever. Period.
Pure Bliss...
EDIT: That was my initial reaction after about 2½-3 mins. But after reading all the 'positive' comments about the song, I decided to listen to the whole thing to give it a chance.
Boy, was that a mistake, if anything it gets even worse as the song goes on. Terrible, terrible and fucking terrible is all I can say about it.
Last edited by DrunkFace (17 years ago)
That was pretty damn cool. There was always something about that song. It flowed so well, and was very pleasant to listen to. I did not know it coincided with the fibonnaci sequence though. Tool is my favorite band, bar none. I've listened to the latest 'Pucifier' that Menard is doing, and it sounds good, but it's just not my theme.
Lateralus, Parabola, Forty Six & 2, Disposition, Reflection, Vicarious, Intention, Aenima...I have no single favorite song, they are all pretty damn good!
Lateralus, Parabola, Forty Six & 2, Disposition, Reflection, Vicarious, Intention, Aenima...I have no single favorite song, they are all pretty damn good!
Nature is a powerful force. Those who seek to subdue nature, never do so permanently.
Lol, if you think TOOL is bad, make sure you don't listen to popular bands on the today's radio, 'cause you may have a seizure and drown in your own vomit listening to that shit.DrunkFace wrote:
It fucken sucksSnowmanimal wrote:
Best. Song. Ever. Period.
Pure Bliss...
EDIT: That was my initial reaction after about 2½-3 mins. But after reading all the 'positive' comments about the song, I decided to listen to the whole thing to give it a chance.
Boy, was that a mistake, if anything it gets even worse as the song goes on. Terrible, terrible and fucking terrible is all I can say about it.
Unless you don't like TOOL because it's not the same riff played over and over and over again with some faggoty voice crapping all over the top of it(cold play).
Maynard fucking rocks with TOOL and APC. That said, Pucifer is SHIT. Thank god for torrents, 'cause I would have been pissed if I had dished out cash for that trash.Im_Dooomed wrote:
I've listened to the latest 'Pucifier' that Menard is doing, and it sounds good, but it's just not my theme.
Last edited by Volatile (17 years ago)
You just don't get it, dude.DrunkFace wrote:
It fucken sucksSnowmanimal wrote:
Best. Song. Ever. Period.
Pure Bliss...
EDIT: That was my initial reaction after about 2½-3 mins. But after reading all the 'positive' comments about the song, I decided to listen to the whole thing to give it a chance.
Boy, was that a mistake, if anything it gets even worse as the song goes on. Terrible, terrible and fucking terrible is all I can say about it.
one of the most technically cohesive and talented bands of all time. hense my title.
DrunkFace likes Fall Out Boy.
That's awesome. Kinda like the Faip de Oiaad Recording. That scares the hell out of me.
<3 Tool
<3 Tool
DrunkFace wrote:
It fucken sucksSnowmanimal wrote:
Best. Song. Ever. Period.
Pure Bliss...
EDIT: That was my initial reaction after about 2½-3 mins. But after reading all the 'positive' comments about the song, I decided to listen to the whole thing to give it a chance.
Boy, was that a mistake, if anything it gets even worse as the song goes on. Terrible, terrible and fucking terrible is all I can say about it.
Where can I give Tool +1 ?. This is fucking genius and it works!
Wow, fucking tools finally learned 7th grade math? Poor fucking uneducated americans.
You dishonour Japan!IonYou wrote:
Wow, fucking tools finally learned 7th grade math? Poor fucking uneducated americans.

Tool are great.

BoooIonYou wrote:
Wow, fucking tools finally learned 7th grade math? Poor fucking uneducated americans.
hai gyes im a stoopid american bcuz somone generliyzed
Most music doesn't incorporate any of this kind of stuff, even if it's 7th grade math. I think Tool is brilliant.
IonYou wrote:
Wow, fucking tools finally learned 7th grade math? Poor fucking uneducated americans.

beautiful, the whole thing. the images, the song, the meaning, the math,the numbers. thx hurri