Freezer7Pro wrote:
mikkel wrote:
Freezer7Pro wrote:
SymbianOS, PalmOS, and endless fields of successfully implemented embedded operating systems have made it clear that computers made to serve specific purposes don't need desktop operating systems. When you have a big button that says "Internet", that's really all you need to browse it.
Freezer7Pro wrote:
I think they should spend their resources at buying food for those who are, instead of computers for those who don't.
I bet you'd rather give them a fish than teach them how to catch it themselves, too.
Symbian and Palm OS are used in phones and other pheripherals like that, that are a lot more limited, and not intended for the use that a laptop is. People who have a PDA with Palm os or a phone with Symbian, most likely has a "real" computer too, with the Symbian/Palm-based device as a little extra mobile extension.
Most people in the UK would have a "real" computer, too. What's your point? This isn't a productivity computer. You can't hold it to the same standards.
Freezer7Pro wrote:
mikkel wrote:
GC_PaNzerFIN wrote:
hey... so you are saying that all starving kids that die/are dying is.... are you a monster? sure, it is better to teach them how but right now they need the food and water too.
They've been needing food and water for decades. A $100 OLPC XO-1 and a Wikipedia distribution along with educational videos is going to be more beneficial to a needy community than $100 worth of food.
Do you have any idea of how much food you can get for $100? $100 worth of food could feed several families for a month. And not everywhere in Africa/Asia do they have access to a school/place that can provide them with access to the internet, rendering their machines completely useless for learning.
And where they have schools with internet access, they've already got enough food and supplies to make it. That's not the case everywhere. If everyone would have food to live, it'd be time to give them technology, but right now, there are people starving, people who would much rather take a bowl of rice than a little thing with buttons and a moving picture.
You don't need the Internet for learning. As I said in my post, a Wikipedia distribution and educational videos is worth more than $100 of food for a needy community.
People aren't starving "right now". People have been starving for decades. Decades of subsidy and foreign aid. Why do you think they're still starving? It's because they don't have the possibility of bettering themselves. People would much rather want a bowl of rice or fresh fruit, and that's exactly what they'll get when farmers and foragers learn how to get more out of their crops and vegetation. These people need to learn how to sustain themselves rather than relying on unreliable food subsidy.
Programmes have gone on for years in Southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa with e-/laptop based learning, with Internet learning centers built in mud huts in Ghana and Kenya, teaching the population how to get the best out of what they have, and these programmes have been successful beyond all expectation.
Thinking that impoverished people would prefer sporadic subsidy of basic needs to self-sustenance and independent prosperity is foolish. It's as simple as that.