I rofledB00MH3ADSH0T wrote:
So did I...when he puts on the librarian glasses, it just kills the point he was trying to make, which was already hampered by his voice.kptk92 wrote:
I rofledB00MH3ADSH0T wrote:
I didn't really take any notice of what he was saying, all he did was waffle on :snore:Poseidon wrote:
So did I...when he puts on the librarian glasses, it just kills the point he was trying to make, which was already hampered by his voice.kptk92 wrote:
I rofledB00MH3ADSH0T wrote:
"Sorry you guys saw that, but it wasn't supposed to ever been shown."psH wrote: … ogpost.JPG
his rebuttal is full of shit and lies.
of course,that's why he and his friend video taped it.
i hope he burns in hell.
I think the marines rebuttal on FaceSpace goes to show that it most certainly is NOT fake.DoctaStrangelove wrote:
Yeah the dg doesn't move at all.Deadmonkiefart wrote:
I thought that the video was a fake.
I was just about to say that.Scorpion0x17 wrote:
I think the marines rebuttal on FaceSpace goes to show that it most certainly is NOT fake.DoctaStrangelove wrote:
Yeah the dg doesn't move at all.Deadmonkiefart wrote:
I thought that the video was a fake.
He pretty much confirms right there that it was alive.
If it wasn't fake and his rebuttal is true, it's still an asshole thing to do. Why not just put a bullet to its head? Much faster, probably much less painful. Or OD it on morphine. Fuck man, plenty of more humane ways of euthanizing it.Scorpion0x17 wrote:
I think the marines rebuttal on FaceSpace goes to show that it most certainly is NOT fake.DoctaStrangelove wrote:
Yeah the dg doesn't move at all.Deadmonkiefart wrote:
I thought that the video was a fake.
fuck you what would you think if some faggot throws you down there huh?GunSlinger OIF II wrote:
it was an insurgent puppy. it had to die.
Climb back up.greensprite wrote:
fuck you what would you think if some faggot throws you down there huh?GunSlinger OIF II wrote:
it was an insurgent puppy. it had to die.
He was joking. Calm down, jethro.greensprite wrote:
fuck you what would you think if some faggot throws you down there huh?GunSlinger OIF II wrote:
it was an insurgent puppy. it had to die.
lulz ur a nobgreensprite wrote:
fuck you what would you think if some faggot throws you down there huh?GunSlinger OIF II wrote:
it was an insurgent puppy. it had to die.
The reason that there has been such a backlash is due to the fact he's throwing a defenseless, harmless animal to its death, for no reason other than getting a kick out of it.Commie Killer wrote:
I aint saying its right he chucked a puppy over a cliff, Im saying it is nothing really compared to a human. Personally, yeah, I couldnt give two shits what happens to that Marine, hes a dick.ATG wrote:
Hey man, I'm as fucking gung ho die hard American as it gets.Commie Killer wrote:
He threw a puppy off a cliff. ITS A FUCKING PUPPY NOT A HUMAN. Its a animal, which was probably gonna spend its life running around the streets of some city. Seriously, you guys make me sick, dont give a shit when a human dies but if a puppy is thrown off a cliff...
Actually yeah, I think it has been established that the video is a fake.
That marine is a fucking douchebag, and if he ends up getting fucked up in Iraq, oh well.
Seriously. Karma is a mother fucker and karma in this case is a national concern. I have zero tolerance for people mean enough to hurt puppies and less for those retarded enough to post it on youtube.
This is not directed at you ATG but the majority of others: The pathetic disregard for human life makes me sick. Grow the fuck up. A human is worth more then a puppy, and as some of you said, people would be just as pissed if it was a baby....well, maybe that tells you something.
EDIT: What dumbshit gave me karma? Write a coherent sentence next time, nice to take Caps lock off too, then you wont look like a total moron.
EDIT2: Heres another news flash, the dog was gonna have a shit life anyways, who that has been over there wishes to explain how animals live? What the fuck do you think they care about animals, its a fucking war going on where people die. Get the fuck outta your mothers basements and realize what the world is like. Its not right to do that, but the response that has come from the internet community is pathetic.
All you keep saying is how no-one cares when a soldier dies. People do care, that why its reported almost daily in the news (well here in the UK at least), but soldiers know that they are putting the life on the line when they sign up, they also have the ability to defend themselves. Did the puppy sign up to be thrown over a cliff? Did it have any chance at defending itself? no
Your point about it was gonna have a shit life, does that mean it shouldnt matter if we kill homeless kids, or kids with terminal diseases? They're gonna have a pretty shit life aren't they?
Maybe you should actually think about what you type before you type it, because frankly, you're making yourself look retarded
I still think he should be getting 20 years for that. I don't care how outrageous that seems, he fucking deserves it.
and if they were put on youtube they probably would...Smithereener wrote:
Because the actions of a few warrant the condemnation of the rest?colonelioan wrote:
Fucking Idiots, I'd do this with that retard, and also put some MG-42 Rounds in his mouth, stupid marines.
Don't get me wrong, it's horrible that someone would actually throw a puppy to its death and still grin about it. Even worse to post it on youtube to show everyone else their exploits. But in the end, it's just another dead animal. We see roadkill all the time - within this week, I saw three different cats on the street - but the world keeps spinning. There are other, far worse atrocities occuring elsewhere, that warrant more attention than this.
but they aren't, so the mass public doesn't get to see it themselves
How many people purposely hit gophers and cats and other animals? Not many. Their puny little brains tell them to run across the street and then they get hit. It wasn't the drivers fault.Smithereener wrote:
Because the actions of a few warrant the condemnation of the rest?colonelioan wrote:
Fucking Idiots, I'd do this with that retard, and also put some MG-42 Rounds in his mouth, stupid marines.
Don't get me wrong, it's horrible that someone would actually throw a puppy to its death and still grin about it. Even worse to post it on youtube to show everyone else their exploits. But in the end, it's just another dead animal. We see roadkill all the time - within this week, I saw three different cats on the street - but the world keeps spinning. There are other, far worse atrocities occuring elsewhere, that warrant more attention than this.
This is not just another dead animal. That marine had no reason what so ever to do what he did. He did it on purpose, for a lack of something better to do. He probably hasn't killed an Iraqi in a few months, so he decided to take anything he saw and throw it off a cliff. Total bullshit.
Last edited by Ryan (17 years ago)
Dishonorable discharge would be enough IMO. Looks shit on a work record, you can't buy firearms, and you lose all veteran's benefits.Ryan wrote:
I still think he should be getting 20 years for that. I don't care how outrageous that seems, he fucking deserves it.
Wow my heart just dropped like fucking lead. Thats just fucking cruel. If I was there I would have beat that guys shit.
My statement that you guys are pathetic stands.
What a fucking douche bag. The snap at the end really helped his point.B00MH3ADSH0T wrote:
Well, if I was an insurgent puppy I'd be okay with it since I would have already prepared myself for puppy jihad and knew I had 72 bitches in heat waiting on my arrival.greensprite wrote:
fuck you what would you think if some faggot throws you down there huh?GunSlinger OIF II wrote:
it was an insurgent puppy. it had to die.
By your logic, its ok if I throw a human off a cliff because they can put up a defense.Blehm98 wrote:
we care when a human diesCommie Killer wrote:
He threw a puppy off a cliff. ITS A FUCKING PUPPY NOT A HUMAN. Its a animal, which was probably gonna spend its life running around the streets of some city. Seriously, you guys make me sick, dont give a shit when a human dies but if a puppy is thrown off a cliff...Actually yeah, I think it has been established that the video is a fake.Deadmonkiefart wrote:
I thought that the video was a fake.
but a puppy is defenseless, whereas the human is not
so killing a defenseless puppy is considered very bad
Don't feed the troll
Last edited by Commie Killer (17 years ago)
Er, just because you think something has a pathetic existence. Doesn't mean you kill it, who are you to judge what pathetic is anyway and who are you to judge that something shouldn't live because you think it's living a shitty life. Also, even if you did have to kill it out of some backwards sense of pity. At least do it in a decent manner. I mean shit, throwing it into a ravine and then making jokes about it is hardly decent.
I don't give a shit if this guy is a soldier, or if it was in Iraq. That doesn't even matter tbh, it's still fucked up.
I don't know the situation there, but they could've at least just left it alone and continued on their patrol. Instead of picking it up, turning the camera on, making some jokes and then dashing it off the cliff.
It's a waste of time, and it's not helping with what is effectively a huge PR war going on - if you want to start the argument about things other than the morals behind it.
I don't give a shit if this guy is a soldier, or if it was in Iraq. That doesn't even matter tbh, it's still fucked up.
I don't know the situation there, but they could've at least just left it alone and continued on their patrol. Instead of picking it up, turning the camera on, making some jokes and then dashing it off the cliff.
It's a waste of time, and it's not helping with what is effectively a huge PR war going on - if you want to start the argument about things other than the morals behind it.
If it was a video of a man being beheaded people would care. It's not, it's an animal being killed so people post about the fucking animal being killed. By your logic, we should just stop talking about everything else in a thread about a puppy being killed and start talking about some genocide in Africa because people are dying.
People that I might add, would have a shit life anyway. See what I did there?
People that I might add, would have a shit life anyway. See what I did there?
Well people die in Iraq all the fucking time, why is some gay-ass puppy so important?