...zombie?Blehm98 wrote:
I'm positive it isn't a living dog, and it probably isn't a dead one eitherusmarine wrote:
actually you are cheechATG wrote:
If that videos fake I am chuy and you are banned.
there are more states of being than living and dead...Poseidon wrote:
...zombie?Blehm98 wrote:
I'm positive it isn't a living dog, and it probably isn't a dead one eitherusmarine wrote:
actually you are cheech
If you have a stuffed bear it isn't alive or dead...
however, i lol'd
again you win the idiot award for today. that was not Marines, that was Army. Pull your head out of your kraut ass and join the rest of us.colonelioan wrote:
What about the video where you see iraqi kids running after the M1 for a bottle of water that the marines wont give?
Link to vid plz. What is it, some Army guy has his own bottle of water and won't spare it or summet? That's less than half a quarter as bad as this.usmarine wrote:
again you win the idiot award for today. that was not Marines, that was Army. Pull your head out of your kraut ass and join the rest of us.colonelioan wrote:
What about the video where you see iraqi kids running after the M1 for a bottle of water that the marines wont give?
If it's what I think it was, they're trying to drive away and some Iraqi kids spot a bottle of water they have. Like 7 kids are chasing after them and they eventually just throw it.jord wrote:
Link to vid plz. What is it, some Army guy has his own bottle of water and won't spare it or summet? That's less than half a quarter as bad as this.usmarine wrote:
again you win the idiot award for today. that was not Marines, that was Army. Pull your head out of your kraut ass and join the rest of us.colonelioan wrote:
What about the video where you see iraqi kids running after the M1 for a bottle of water that the marines wont give?
*Imagine a smiley face with a sarcastic "wow" expression here*Poseidon wrote:
If it's what I think it was, they're trying to drive away and some Iraqi kids spot a bottle of water they have. Like 7 kids are chasing after them and they eventually just throw it.jord wrote:
Link to vid plz. What is it, some Army guy has his own bottle of water and won't spare it or summet? That's less than half a quarter as bad as this.usmarine wrote:
again you win the idiot award for today. that was not Marines, that was Army. Pull your head out of your kraut ass and join the rest of us.
errr, duh... who the hell ever thought Bonsai Kitten was real? Cathaters in bottled up cats? Yah, that sounds real... moron. You obviously missed the sarcasm in me saying I'd have to give up my own...Magpie wrote:
http://www.snopes.com/critters/crusader/bonsai.aspph4s3 wrote:
Good Lord. First puppy throwing gets tossed overboard.
Next thing I know, someone's going to say that I've got to get rid of my Bonzai kitty. http://img170.imageshack.us/img170/5734 … 389ks5.jpg
bonsai kitten is more fake...
wtf?Magpie wrote:
...than your id
hopefully he'd take a shower firstusmarine wrote:
again you win the idiot award for today. that was not Marines, that was Army. Pull your head out of your kraut ass and join the rest of us.colonelioan wrote:
What about the video where you see iraqi kids running after the M1 for a bottle of water that the marines wont give?
Animals are innocent for the most part, especially little puppies. There's a difference between throwing a puppy over a cliff and throwing some guy who set off an IED down a cliff. Atleast nothing like My Lai in Vietnam. The scary thing is that nobody knew about the My Lai massacre for years...so we can't always know.
And when I said animals are innocent, I didn't mean all animals...
And when I said animals are innocent, I didn't mean all animals...

Last edited by FallenMorgan (17 years ago)
i lol'd at the iraqi kid running after water story
You really think that's funny?SamTheMan:D wrote:
i lol'd at the iraqi kid running after water story
It's a stupid story anyway, some kid wanted someone's water so they chased him and got water.FallenMorgan wrote:
You really think that's funny?SamTheMan:D wrote:
i lol'd at the iraqi kid running after water story
Hardly a best seller...
Its not that I cant handle it. Most people arent like you that dont care as much about animals, but I do and im sure there are alot more here that do also.ATG wrote:
Point is, nothing new.kripp wrote:
No need to post animals suffering anymore. There are children and people that do not want to see that. There are other sites other than a site that was originally intended for a video game that those kinds of images can be seen.ATG wrote:
Just another day in Iraq I guess.
Turn your computer off if you can't handle it.
There is a section for videos on the site, that would be a more worthwhile complaint.
The first vid was enough and thats what the debate was about. Then you come in and post another that was unnecessary. I can do a google search if I wanted to see that. This is BF2s, not ogrish or those other messed up sites that show that shit. What did u think, that the vid of the puppy wasnt enough so u show more suffering animals so the kids and animal lovers can watch it? Just because you live in the desert and seen plenty of animals dieing and suffering doesn't mean that everybody want to see that also.
I read the title but I couldnt bring my self to watch the video...
I honestly dont care if it was fake. Im sorry I dont hold an extreme value for all of gods creatures that most people in this video game forum seem to have. Now you could all feel good about wishing death on me now. I never tossed a puppy down a cliff but I sure as shit shot a bunch of wild dogs outside the wire.
You must feel proud of yourself.GunSlinger OIF II wrote:
I honestly dont care if it was fake. Im sorry I dont hold an extreme value for all of gods creatures that most people in this video game forum seem to have. Now you could all feel good about wishing death on me now. I never tossed a puppy down a cliff but I sure as shit shot a bunch of wild dogs outside the wire.
I do!
you ever been to iraq? have you seen the dogs that roam the streets at night?
you ever been to iraq? have you seen the dogs that roam the streets at night?
Last edited by GunSlinger OIF II (17 years ago)
I understand if they are compromising your position or attacking soldiers but there is no reason to shoot dogs from a guard tower just for fun. If you were doing just for fun, then you are a sick bastard.GunSlinger OIF II wrote:
I do!
you ever been to iraq? have you seen the dogs that roam the streets at night?
guard tower? where did you get guard tower from?kripp wrote:
I understand if they are compromising your position or attacking soldiers but there is no reason to shoot dogs from a guard tower just for fun. If you were doing just for fun, then you are a sick bastard.GunSlinger OIF II wrote:
I do!
you ever been to iraq? have you seen the dogs that roam the streets at night?
but I am sick bastard.
GunSlinger OIF II wrote:
I do!
you ever been to iraq? have you seen the dogs that roam the streets at night?
It was a joke hence the .."than your id" part sadly you did not get itph4s3 wrote:
errr, duh... who the hell ever thought Bonsai Kitten was real? Cathaters in bottled up cats? Yah, that sounds real... moron. You obviously missed the sarcasm in me saying I'd have to give up my own...Magpie wrote:
http://www.snopes.com/critters/crusader/bonsai.aspph4s3 wrote:
Good Lord. First puppy throwing gets tossed overboard.
Next thing I know, someone's going to say that I've got to get rid of my Bonzai kitty. http://img170.imageshack.us/img170/5734 … 389ks5.jpg
bonsai kitten is more fake...wtf?Magpie wrote:
...than your id
When you say inside the wire, doesnt that mean inside a base or safe zone?GunSlinger OIF II wrote:
guard tower? where did you get guard tower from?kripp wrote:
I understand if they are compromising your position or attacking soldiers but there is no reason to shoot dogs from a guard tower just for fun. If you were doing just for fun, then you are a sick bastard.GunSlinger OIF II wrote:
I do!
you ever been to iraq? have you seen the dogs that roam the streets at night?
but I am sick bastard.
SgtSlauther wrote:
http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pa … w-Wef1YSbQGunSlinger OIF II wrote:
I do!
you ever been to iraq? have you seen the dogs that roam the streets at night?

never said inside the wire. I was infantry, we were constantly on patrol. I think I might have spent maybe 3 or 4 hours in a guard tower my entire deployment.kripp wrote:
When you say inside the wire, doesnt that mean inside a base or safe zone?GunSlinger OIF II wrote:
guard tower? where did you get guard tower from?kripp wrote:
I understand if they are compromising your position or attacking soldiers but there is no reason to shoot dogs from a guard tower just for fun. If you were doing just for fun, then you are a sick bastard.
but I am sick bastard.
shit man, we had a platoon dog. Called her baghdad, she was iraqi. She would chase our bradleys for nearly a mile everytime we went on patrol and she would be waiting for us when we came back. she hated iraqis too, which was funny.
usmarine wrote:
http://i.realone.com/assets/rn/cms/2004 … 539848.jpgSgtSlauther wrote:
http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pa … w-Wef1YSbQGunSlinger OIF II wrote:
I do!
you ever been to iraq? have you seen the dogs that roam the streets at night?