+25|6508|Czech Republic
xkullx, pr0 cs 1.6 sniper
To be honest I don't care anyway..
+57|7051|Great Wall
Honestly.. being "the best sniper in bf2" is nothing to be very proud of really as it is (sorry to say that) the most worthless class in the game. Choosing the best is impossible and 1 vs 1 won't prove that one is better. If you guys play rounds on the same side (not as opponents) and  round by round one of you is better than the other one then we can say he may be better. Making them face each other (1 vs 1) is different ball game and it's not how they play normally.

Last edited by Drunk_Musketeer (2008-03-08 02:06:37)


Drunk_Musketeer wrote:

Honestly.. being "the best sniper in bf2" is nothing to be very proud of really as it is (sorry to say that) the most worthless class in the game.
Uh, IO? The major classes in no-vehicle mode are Medic, Support and Sniper (in no particular order because it depends on the server, the map, the way the game goes and the quality of the players using the kit).
How 'bout dem Cowboys?
+45|6858|Flower Mound, TX
I nominate Cypress_messiah
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob

Todd_Angelo wrote:

Drunk_Musketeer wrote:

Honestly.. being "the best sniper in bf2" is nothing to be very proud of really as it is (sorry to say that) the most worthless class in the game.
Uh, IO? The major classes in no-vehicle mode are Medic, Support and Sniper (in no particular order because it depends on the server, the map, the way the game goes and the quality of the players using the kit).
In IO the average sniper is a lot lot less useful than the average medic.
AKA Selkies ftw

Fateless wrote:

^^ This guy has been talked about in the dark corners of sniper hidey holes for some time. Never played him myself, but full respect to his opinion.
Your arrows pointed to me and was just wondering if you actually meant me and not somebody else. If so, I didn't know anybody had ever heard of me. If not, my mistake.
To be honest I don't care anyway..
+57|7051|Great Wall

Todd_Angelo wrote:

Uh, IO? The major classes in no-vehicle mode are Medic, Support and Sniper (in no particular order because it depends on the server, the map, the way the game goes and the quality of the players using the kit).
True BF2 is with vehicles, mate. IO is one of new bugs we got in the last patch

But even in IO medic>sniper by a mile
That jord fellow is quite good
To be honest I don't care anyway..
+57|7051|Great Wall
btw.. would be nice to have a match of really decent snipers vs. really decent medics..

I know there was a match snipers vs. medics, but I don't know who played and probably random people, and much easier to find decent medic, hard to find decent snipers.
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob

Drunk_Musketeer wrote:

btw.. would be nice to have a match of really decent snipers vs. really decent medics..

I know there was a match snipers vs. medics, but I don't know who played and probably random people, and much easier to find decent medic, hard to find decent snipers.
Way back when there was going to be a match with TOP medics vs wookie snipers but it never happened.

Medics would've won anyways.
+36|6555|Jennifer Connellys Pants
^^ That some sort of challenge?
+572|6972|BC, Canada
fateless please... the medics would destroy the snipers.... snipers... even the best of them.. dont work well togeather. its a fun kit to play, an makes for some good battles but its a rare sniper that can help a match much.
during the sniper vs. medics match, it was skilled snipers not randoms, but nobody worked togeather, or even really showed up for practice. It was totally typical of your average useless sniper, Most only cared about getting the headshot on whoever they didnt like in the forums, instead of capping the flags.
The wookie snipers are very good, but the Top guys would probably win with any kit other than sniper... not just medic.
+7|6511|Stuntmen Arena
+36|6555|Jennifer Connellys Pants

Nicholas Langdon wrote:

fateless please... the medics would destroy the snipers.... snipers... even the best of them.. dont work well togeather. its a fun kit to play, an makes for some good battles but its a rare sniper that can help a match much.
during the sniper vs. medics match, it was skilled snipers not randoms, but nobody worked togeather, or even really showed up for practice. It was totally typical of your average useless sniper, Most only cared about getting the headshot on whoever they didnt like in the forums, instead of capping the flags.
The wookie snipers are very good, but the Top guys would probably win with any kit other than sniper... not just medic.
I understand what your saying mate, its more that i think it would be a fun thing to do, rather than saying one kit is better than another. Snipers cant heal themselves for example, and medics work together by default as they do heal each other. Put a skilled squad of snipers guarding a flag/chokepoint and the medics are in trouble. Just my opinion of course, not meaning to stir things up.
+36|6555|Jennifer Connellys Pants

pyscofrawg wrote:

Fateless wrote:

^^ This guy has been talked about in the dark corners of sniper hidey holes for some time. Never played him myself, but full respect to his opinion.
Your arrows pointed to me and was just wondering if you actually meant me and not somebody else. If so, I didn't know anybody had ever heard of me. If not, my mistake.
Yup, was you i was meaning. Im sure your name has popped out from time to time.

I'm Jamesey wrote:

In IO the average sniper is a lot lot less useful than the average medic.
What I said was, the major classes in no-vehicle mode are Medic, Support and Sniper, in no particular order. Whether some theoretical players using each one of the kits is 'more useful' is a moot question and doesn't address that point. It's also highly dependant on circumstance, map, etc. anyway.

I'm Jamesey wrote:

Medics would've won anyways.
Easy to make that claim now

Kooda makes some very good points on the previous page. In standard no-vehicle mode things would be very different, especially with at least an attempt at tactics and coordination employed on the sniper side.

Drunk_Musketeer wrote:

But even in IO medic>sniper by a mile
On an urban map, with good players playing medic? As a rule, no question.

But Medic is not the all-conquering kit in all IO scenarios. I don't need to list them, you're well aware of the type of thing I mean; we were playing on an SF server just a couple of days ago where one of the classics occurred.

Drunk_Musketeer wrote:

True BF2 is with vehicles, mate.
Sure. And if we do that... take the game as a whole... all maps, both game types, there's no one class that's the über kit.

Sad to say, the single player that's most dominant in one round is arguably a top pilot inside a J-10, and they're very likely to be using the sniper kit *cough* On Karkand it's often engies isn't it?

Drunk_Musketeer wrote:

...much easier to find decent medic, hard to find decent snipers.
Roger that.

Nicholas Langdon wrote:

...but its a rare sniper that can help a match much.
To be honest I don't care anyway..
+57|7051|Great Wall

Drunk_Musketeer wrote:

But even in IO medic>sniper by a mile
On an urban map, with good players playing medic? As a rule, no question.

But Medic is not the all-conquering kit in all IO scenarios. I don't need to list them, you're well aware of the type of thing I mean; we were playing on an SF server just a couple of days ago where one of the classics occurred.
Which IO map you think snipers can win? Imho medics can beat them everywhere.

How important classes are...

With vehicles:
- Medic needed
- AT obviously needed
- Support needed (ammo for ATs)
- Spec Ops hard to decide ability of destroying UAV, arty and scan (which can be quickly repaired) is not imho useful enough to make this class important, but jihad jeeping quite handy
- Sniper not needed ability of leaving claymores won't stop any organized squad, snipers don't destroy (and don't even help to destroy enemy vehicles)
- Assault not needed

IO servers:
- medic needed
- AT not needed
- Support needed walking hand grenade spam and ammo supply so can be needed in limited numbers (1-2 per team)
- Spec Ops not needed
- Sniper hard to decide can be ok in limited numbers (1-2 per team) on a few maps
- Assault not needed in SF maps grappling hook can be handy, but other than that medics can do its job

medics > snipers... My 2 cents..
Sniper      474:02:49      21,252      10,697      1.9867
+30|6512|Daqing Oilfields?
A good sniper can change a game completely, but most snipers absolutely suck. I recently played some karkand where I ran into their bases with a knife and everytime I knifed at least 3 idiots, almost all snipers who just tried to throw a claymore and run. They hurt the team in so many cases.

On the other hand, most medics are selfish pieces of shit who won't revive or even throw down a med pack to a dying squad leader. Its just sad

In both cases, it depends completely on the person playing. I've seen great team playing snipers, snipers that hinder their team (4-20 kd), medics who save their team, and shitty selfish medics trying to rambo.
+86|7050|Somewhere near a shrub or rock

Drunk_Musketeer wrote:

With vehicles:
Agree, with vehicles sniper role becomes mute on many maps, I would argue that for example Mashtur which has limited vehicles a sniper can play a role.

IO servers:
- medic needed
- AT not needed - undecided, Can be good at outright killing, helping to stop large groups of medics.
- Support needed - only useful for spam. Looses every time to any decent sniper
- Spec Ops not needed - agree
- Sniper hard to decide can hurt if there are too many, but can not argue they are effective, especially with an SVD.
- Assault not needed agree, medic is more useful

medics > snipers... My 2 cents..
Drunk, I know your a sniper and I agree that many snipers are a waste of space in many situations, but I honestly think that if I had my pick of 20 snipers they would put up a good match vs medics if played right. I am not sure that they would win, but it would sure as hell be a contest.

Last time round the medics tactics essentially made the contest moot - it was well played by medics but they had the game loaded in their favour. I suspect the medics would always have a slight advantage due to them being more team centric by nature, and their obvious godlike ability to revive and heal.

I think in IO, it would be interesting on maps like Karkand 64, Oman 64 plus a couple of the PLA maps

my $0.02

+572|6972|BC, Canada
In the end I think the only map that the snipers would have a chance on would be one like Zatar wetlands IO, where there is huge open flat spaces that the medics would have to cross between flags. Then once the snipers reached a flag, dropping clays at all spawn points, as well as some very good cqc snipers covering.
elmo and aapje <3
+36|6555|Jennifer Connellys Pants

Nicholas Langdon wrote:

In the end I think the only map that the snipers would have a chance on would be one like Zatar wetlands IO, where there is huge open flat spaces that the medics would have to cross between flags. Then once the snipers reached a flag, dropping clays at all spawn points, as well as some very good cqc snipers covering.
Dragon would be another good one. Lots of good defensive/offensive spots for snipers in that one.
Dropped on request
Asking who's the best sniper is like asking which is the best Britney Spears album.

It doesn't matter because they all suck.
To be honest I don't care anyway..
+57|7051|Great Wall
You cannot win with medics.. you kill 3-4 before they get you but then they kill you and in fact only you are dead. medics vs sniper 1:0

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