+303|6307|The pool
Shock paddling claywhores followed by teabagging

And rocket sniping pilots out of their cockpits and watch their gunner fall and die
Best ___ in Aus
Favourite one of recent times was when I sniped someone with the AK from about 2-300m. It was a random shot, the guy was running to cover and I threw a bullet his way just out of habit...and guess what... It clobbered him! haha I was cheering for a while after that one. (He was probably on two health or something)

Also I managed to get my fave sniper kill on vid, youtube link for anyone interested. I just love the whole "oh no you dont" factor about it, nailing him just before he got to cover, and then the ragdoll effect as he crumples to the ground.

Very satisfying game when things go right, there's some great moments in there for sure

EDIT: oooh i just thought of the best ones. Its where you flank the WHOLE team (really lucky), and just sneak up behind all the snipers camping (like getting across the river on karkand). You feel like a kid in a candy store!

Last edited by thraSK (2008-03-05 02:41:36)

on karkand mec were making their way from the suburb to the square. one jumped off the high wall & somehow i contrived a headshot whilst he was in midair.

if you don't believe me you can punch me in the stomach.
I was on Ghost Town map as Spetsnaz (i was spec-ops) i took a jetski from main base and sneaked it all the way to the sas compound,i was going to destroy assets but i found afew snipers facing the other way so im like what the heck might as well knife em so i knifed 3 guys then some other sas guy (who was waitin for the tank to respawn) saw me ant started shootin he had G36e so he only got 1 burst to hit me so i ran around him than shot him with my AK-74SU than quickly destroyed assests than he respawned i shot him in the back just as he was runin towards the tank than i hoped into the black hawk and flew off.......the snipers i knifed earlier must've been scared off because they didnt respawn there.

another funny one is also on Ghost Town i was a sniper on the Spetsnaz team my squad was on the oil field defending it when i saw a sniper in sas bast (and since i dont use m95 to loud and i find it easier to hit people with svd) i use the svd so i fired 3 times and he died then a medic revived him so i shot him again before he had time to move than AGAIN the same medice revived him so i shot him AGAIN by now im laughing my head off then he revives him AGAIN than i shoot him than he revives him again but i was reloadin so he got away....but still was very funny  shot the same guy 4 times in 30 sec
A generally unremarkable member
destroin choopers with pistols ftw
Keep your head down, smart's got a gun
+30|6245|Georgia, US of A

henno13 wrote:

destroin choopers with pistols ftw
you mean stealing choppers with pistols, and yes, soooo awesome, only got it once
Knifing a sniper, then taking his gaymores and using them against him - because most retarded snipers go back to the same spot over and over again.
A generally unremarkable member

smartdude992 wrote:

henno13 wrote:

destroin choopers with pistols ftw
you mean stealing choppers with pistols, and yes, soooo awesome, only got it once
blowing them up
Missing, Presumed Dead

- Running over enemies on their airfield/carrier in a jet
- Killing enemy troops with jet A-to-A missiles
- All roadkills in tanks
- Paddle kills against good players
- Any kills made with BH/Skycow guns
- 6+ kills in any single bombing run
- LGM'ing enemy helis and jets
Ghost Town T90/Apache Whore
+99|6312|Aberdeen, Scotland

henno13 wrote:

smartdude992 wrote:

you mean stealing choppers with pistols, and yes, soooo awesome, only got it once
blowing them up
I think Smartdude meant stealing the kill (getting the last hit with pistol) and blowing up the heli.
+1|6212|Sunderland, UK
my favourite has to be playing C4 onto a jet.. jus as it takes off..

heh.... my favorite kill was a teamkill. I was on a crappy server, and I got bored, so I TKed someone heading for a chopper. After teabagging him for a while, I looked and saw who I killed.

I know it's not a big deal, but I killed a jet taking off with a tv missile from my heli. Was neat

But my favorite kills to do because they're so frustrating to the pilot is to sit at their runways and hit them with an AT missile as they're taking off. They'll drop everything just to find you and teabag you. Good times.

Last edited by mtb0minime (2008-03-12 19:35:18)

my favourite kill(s) has to be emptying an entire clip of the pump shotgun and killing all 7 people (dalian in the construction building at the Main). very very satisfying.
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6278|London, England

My favorite kill is having a rulebreaking sig size ^^^^^^^^^
_______________________________________________________________________________________________ https://i.imgur.com/Xj4f2.png
Boots SJ
+6|6516|Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
Well I have a couple

First one I was in a chopper headed towards an enemy chopper I pull up the tv screen as I fire an f35 pulls up directly in front of the enemy chopper so the TV  hits the jet but because he just pulled right infront of the Heli the jet and Heli both eat it and I got all three kills laughing my ass off favorite kill by far ever

dropping out of my jet above airfield heli flying below me spammed c4 packs noticed as the chopper was flying away that he had red skulls on him still way above in my parachute hit the button and bang gotchya

and I like bombing airborne Helis thats a lot of fun
+572|6972|BC, Canada
When I repeatedly get to kill someone whos accusing me of hacking. Especially if they are kick voting me, and especially if their teammate comes along and repeatedly revives them in front of me...
pub hero!
+603|6695|the land of bourbon

Nicholas Langdon wrote:

When I repeatedly get to kill someone whos accusing me of hacking. Especially if they are kick voting me, and especially if their teammate comes along and repeatedly revives them in front of me...
+572|6972|BC, Canada

steelie34 wrote:

Nicholas Langdon wrote:

When I repeatedly get to kill someone whos accusing me of hacking. Especially if they are kick voting me, and especially if their teammate comes along and repeatedly revives them in front of me...
Was happening to me today by this guy: http://bf2s.com/player/48371298/ He wears the xdogs tag
Was saying he was better than me cause I was using this account: http://bf2s.com/player/108049631/
Said the rank was what made him know I was a hack and he had to be better.... I almost said, "So... if rank makes you better, then since I'm a 3 star and your a 1 star... Does that mean I'm 3 times better than you?"
+2|6204|Netherlands, The Hague
Favorite kills:
-The last kill before my kill streak ends
-Knife kills (prefer other targets than snipers, per example, zigzag to an enemy, stab him/being in the middle of a group of enemys who wont dare t kill you cause theire afraid killing mates)
-Road kill with a transport chopper
-C4 trap kills
-Killing the other teams top player/a four star general

thraSK wrote:

Favourite one of recent times was when I sniped someone with the AK from about 2-300m. It was a random shot, the guy was running to cover and I threw a bullet his way just out of habit...and guess what... It clobbered him! haha I was cheering for a while after that one. (He was probably on two health or something)

Also I managed to get my fave sniper kill on vid, youtube link for anyone interested. I just love the whole "oh no you dont" factor about it, nailing him just before he got to cover, and then the ragdoll effect as he crumples to the ground.

Very satisfying game when things go right, there's some great moments in there for sure

EDIT: oooh i just thought of the best ones. Its where you flank the WHOLE team (really lucky), and just sneak up behind all the snipers camping (like getting across the river on karkand). You feel like a kid in a candy store!
Yea, the Youtube video was pretty good.  I especially liked the first kill on the Cyber Snipa video, it was from a very long range.
Oh, and the dude at Oman.
sophisticated slacker
+334|6637|Graz, Austria
Road-killing unsuspecting snipers with a wheelbarrow on Great Wall.
Vagina face
+167|6313|London ㋛

I jumped on someone and killed them, was on the roof of the tv station in warlord, someone was capping the flag, I jumped down and opened my chute up at the last minute and killed him
Ok, I have a new favorite.
I was on KK & had a faceoff with a guy on the east wall, near hotel.  I ran out of ammo & had to reload.  While reloading I kept a lone palm tree between him and me.  What was funny was that I think he was using his scope & couldn't figure out where I went.  After about 15 seconds of dodging him, I took him out!
I am a daisy!
Karma Ratio whore
+178|6860|-removed you know why- mod
1. get on a wake server
2. fly to the china main
3. kill everon with the m95 who try to get i chopper / jet
4. and finally give a sweet headshot to a player who detected you 1 yard b4 he reaches his tank


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