I've had enough.
Right, we're on 2MB Broadband from Tiscali, but we have no download limits or fair usage quotas. But every day around 11.00 the internet slows right down, like taking 4-5 minutes to open BF2s Home. It goes on this way all day until around 5.30, and as I sit here at 4.10, it took 3 minutes for me to start typing this from the time I pressed "Post New Topic". It's really starting to piss me off because it means I can't do anything online ALL DAY. And I can only play BF2/CoD4 in the morning/evening if I have any time to. -___-
Our internet setup is as follows: The Linksys router conects from my Dad's PC, then an ethernet cable goes out of our house, along the edge, and back in at my Games Room. Here is is split by a EDIMAX Switch thingy, which basically has 8 ethernet ports. One goes into my PS3, one goes into the PC. Even if I have only one on, and my Dad's PC isn't on, opening an internet page is like trying to get blood from a stone. Also, the cable going outside the house is protected, and there is nothing wrong with it, as the internet is fine in the evening...
If you need me to post a connection/speed test, I will. Later. But for now please BF2s, see you can figure out what's wrong..!
KARMA-ATTACK to whoever solves my problemo.
Right, we're on 2MB Broadband from Tiscali, but we have no download limits or fair usage quotas. But every day around 11.00 the internet slows right down, like taking 4-5 minutes to open BF2s Home. It goes on this way all day until around 5.30, and as I sit here at 4.10, it took 3 minutes for me to start typing this from the time I pressed "Post New Topic". It's really starting to piss me off because it means I can't do anything online ALL DAY. And I can only play BF2/CoD4 in the morning/evening if I have any time to. -___-
Our internet setup is as follows: The Linksys router conects from my Dad's PC, then an ethernet cable goes out of our house, along the edge, and back in at my Games Room. Here is is split by a EDIMAX Switch thingy, which basically has 8 ethernet ports. One goes into my PS3, one goes into the PC. Even if I have only one on, and my Dad's PC isn't on, opening an internet page is like trying to get blood from a stone. Also, the cable going outside the house is protected, and there is nothing wrong with it, as the internet is fine in the evening...
If you need me to post a connection/speed test, I will. Later. But for now please BF2s, see you can figure out what's wrong..!
KARMA-ATTACK to whoever solves my problemo.