In many FPS games, namely Counter-Strike and Counter-Strike:Source, snipers are extremely valuable assets in locking down a position with supreme firepower and advantage of distance/position. Take players like Danny "fRoD" Montaner for instance. One of the most popular gamers of late. He is widely regarded as the best sniper in the world for CSS, and his contribution to his team, has many a time, spurred them onto a commanding position in matches. You have to have practice, dedication and skill to be this good.
The sniper in Battlefield 2 is an impractical kit to play in scrimmages, simply because of the medic. You can't get enough accurate shots off to kill the player and the medic before they're both up and running again. The sniper in public games of bf2 can help by damaging enemy players, and spotting out enemies for closer infantry players, and it does happen often. Claymores can stop attacks on flags pretty damn easily. Once again, it takes a lot of time to get good at sniping in BF2, and playing the kit. Snipers lack really "heavy" CQC abilities, which is why they have claymores and the silenced pistol. Don't like it? Go back to your tank and spawn rape karkand, or get some clue and a pair of balls and man up to admit that you're not the best in some situations.
The sniper in Battlefield 2 is an impractical kit to play in scrimmages, simply because of the medic. You can't get enough accurate shots off to kill the player and the medic before they're both up and running again. The sniper in public games of bf2 can help by damaging enemy players, and spotting out enemies for closer infantry players, and it does happen often. Claymores can stop attacks on flags pretty damn easily. Once again, it takes a lot of time to get good at sniping in BF2, and playing the kit. Snipers lack really "heavy" CQC abilities, which is why they have claymores and the silenced pistol. Don't like it? Go back to your tank and spawn rape karkand, or get some clue and a pair of balls and man up to admit that you're not the best in some situations.