This is soooooooooooo funny
old tbh
Damn hackers will piss you off.
Hawhawhawh always good for a laugh
15 more years! 15 more years!
Loved it.
<3FFLink13 wrote:
Loved it.
15 more years! 15 more years!
i lol'd hard at the bit where the guy leaps across the table and beats the shit out of that jackass.
That was great, I really did laugh, thanks.
When all else fails photocopy your monitor
When all else fails photocopy your monitor
Some kid did that in IT the other day, i feel sorry for them. Wanted to do that so many times lol.

lol @ 2:27,gay got what he deserved!
awesome! The one copying his monitor is the best! Made my day, thank you!FFLink13 wrote:
Loved it.
+1 to you sir!

I liked the guy that kept on typing as (presumably) his boss looked over the partition just after he'd chucked his monitor into the next cubicle.
Cheers for all the +1's guys.