Oh,.. FFS the shop put aside the wrong card. Apparently the guy on the phone understood a 3850, while I said 3650. Yep, he should receive an award since mistaking a Dutch "zes" for an "acht" requires some pretty inventive hearing.
The 3850 of course was much more expensive and the 3650 they had was DDR2. So,.. back to square one. Well, not really I can always order any of the afore mentioned, but shipping costs have risen as of last monday (lol, not much, but I'm Dutch remember). I remember they also sold a XFX 8600GT XXX 620 for 89 euro, but it sold out and I'm more of an ATI fan anyway.
Assuming by now, my uber 375W 2x +12V 18A PSU can pull anything,.. Should I go with the faster 2200Mhz GDDR4 memory:
http://www.alternate.nl/html/product/de … ue#tecDataOr the superior brand, 4 euro discount and double the memory in size at the expense of having 1400Mhz DDR3 instead:
http://www.alternate.nl/html/productDet … tno=JBXSBQ I've heard the DDR4 isn't that much of an improvement over the DDR3 with this card, though that was about a 1400/1600Mhz DDR4 and not a 2200Mhz DDR4. Can anyone confirm any of this?