jsnipy wrote:
maps schmaps, there be plenty nau
Thats actually a good point...BF2 has 15maps, make that 21 if you include the boosters...make that 29 if you include SF.
New maps? I bet most people answering in this thread havent even played each map for a minimum of 10hours: is that really enough time to judge most maps as shit?
Dont get me wrong, Id love to see new maps...but they released Tampa. When that came out, TV2 alone had 6-8 servers (mostly full up) that ran it 24/7. Add on Gotland, Insomnia and other servers too...all full to the rim with players.
Now? You will be lucky to find that many servers in the world that are even populated on that map.
And dont say Tampa is shit, as it's the best map for armour in the game. Just because you cant do anything other than fly/gun in a chopper, its not DICE's fault that you can cant play a different gamestyle for once.
Thats all it is...adapting your game to play a different style for once. Try it, you might be surprised at just how good Zatar is on the ground, or Songhua is in an infantry squad.