GA-P35C-DS3R, it also supports DDR3 modules and the new 45nm processors so it's future proof. For SLI you need an motherboard with an nForce chipset. The 650i motherboards fit your budget although the 650 has some issues and bugs. If you really want to go SLI you'll need to save up for an 680i or above motherboard.
This ASUS motherboard seems like a solid deal for SLI, it has the new 750i chipset,
It's just what you are looking for:
Sli not really needed, future proof, good overclocking, low power consumption: gigabyte motherboard I stated
SLI not really needed, good price performance, good overclocking, low power consumption: GA-P35-DS3L (I have it too)
you want a good SLI board: 680i and above.
Last edited by ']['error (2008-03-31 12:04:13)