Back when the hacked million point servers were up I made a account ownage.m8v2. I made it into the top 10 with 360,000,000 points. I log into it today and it was reset.
No big deal I went to play on it had a few rounds checked bfhq and no points were awarded. Didn't think anything of it. Later my dad got on his account which was also on the hacked server. He played a few rounds nothing was counted. Checked my dads other accounts that were also on the hacked server. They were all reset.
Later today I went to look them up on several bf2 stat sites and nothing was found. None of the accounts existed according to every stat site.
Since I can't see the stats of my old main account m8v2 on this site I checked them at I looked at my favorite victim and there was nothing there.
So I assume that everyone who played on hacked servers had their accounts deleted by EA. Anyone else experienced this with their accounts?
No big deal I went to play on it had a few rounds checked bfhq and no points were awarded. Didn't think anything of it. Later my dad got on his account which was also on the hacked server. He played a few rounds nothing was counted. Checked my dads other accounts that were also on the hacked server. They were all reset.
Later today I went to look them up on several bf2 stat sites and nothing was found. None of the accounts existed according to every stat site.
Since I can't see the stats of my old main account m8v2 on this site I checked them at I looked at my favorite victim and there was nothing there.
So I assume that everyone who played on hacked servers had their accounts deleted by EA. Anyone else experienced this with their accounts?