I'm building a cheap pc for my parents, need advice on a case, psu, cooling, cpu, ram, optical drives, HDs and motherboard.
So far I'm considering an e2200, 2gb ocz pc26400, ocz stealthextreme 500w, freezer 7 pro and an coolermaster elite 330. No idea if these are any good, never been so budget concious with my own pcs Comes to less than £150, and don't want to go over £250 total
However when it comes to motherboards i have no idea at all, was considering a Gigabyte GA-P35-S3G, but then came across the Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3L...as well as asus p5 and abit ip35 range....help plz?
So far I'm considering an e2200, 2gb ocz pc26400, ocz stealthextreme 500w, freezer 7 pro and an coolermaster elite 330. No idea if these are any good, never been so budget concious with my own pcs Comes to less than £150, and don't want to go over £250 total
However when it comes to motherboards i have no idea at all, was considering a Gigabyte GA-P35-S3G, but then came across the Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3L...as well as asus p5 and abit ip35 range....help plz?