Do you Like Globally Tracked stats like Bf2? Where Everyone knows everything you've done, Kills, Headshots, Class time. Which is great for bragging rights(If you are that pathetic) And even if you re-install the game they will still be there. But the downside is privacy concerns, And with a security system such as EA's you are suseptable to hackers and what not.
Or do you like em Client Side where it's all personal so you know you're stats are safe and your own business. Except you cant claim anything without proof, And you cant crash or you will lose what you earned. And have to work all over again.
Or do you like em Client Side where it's all personal so you know you're stats are safe and your own business. Except you cant claim anything without proof, And you cant crash or you will lose what you earned. And have to work all over again.