Vista SP1 is proved to be faster than XP on my rig.
3930K | H100i | RIVF | 16GB DDR3 | GTX 480 | AX750 | 800D | 512GB SSD | 3TB HDD | Xonar DX | W8
I got an old win98 machine...I just downloaded and installed DirectX 10 for windows 98, your XP will be fine.max wrote:
I don't understand the problem. Old PCs already have an XP liscense, and why wouldn't you run vista on a new PC? And even if you have some weird fetish for XP, no one is going to stop you from installing it later on. I just installed win 95 on an ancient Pentium 66MHz. MS always stops selling the old version some time after the new OS is released. Good luck buying win 98 or something. With XP it's the same thing … laylang=enxRBLx wrote:
I tryed ;ooking for the SP1 on vista but I can't find one for the 64 bit....
beware... i manually installed it only to have my headphones stop working. i think they are still having some driver issues with the 64 bit service pack, so you might be better off waiting until you get it through auto-updates.Cheez wrote: … laylang=enxRBLx wrote:
I tryed ;ooking for the SP1 on vista but I can't find one for the 64 bit....
First result in Google.
On mine too. I don't see the big deal with this, they stop selling it, so what. Like you can find a lot of computers pre-equipped with XP these days anyway anymore. An extremely large amount of the people have pirated copies of XP and have had them for years, so go figure.GC_PaNzerFIN wrote:
Vista SP1 is proved to be faster than XP on my rig.