My stats can be hacked.. I don't give a rats arse honestly.. My nick is Drunk_Musketeer. Go hack it.SFCCDailey wrote:
For the first time I am actually wishing that someone get's PID hacked. YOU!!!!!!!!! That way you can understand what it's like to loose your stats all because some azzhat decided to screw you. I actually hope you get to experience this wonderful feeling of knowing you threw 1200 hours down the tubes and lost all that work for something you aren't guilty of. I think I can find a few people to hook you up Drunk_Musketeer. It will be nice having you join our fraternity of reset players! But at least you'll be able to create a new account to start over with. Might I suggest a name for that new account? Dr_Shit_4_Brains has a nice ring to it for you!
Why won't I care? Because I was truly enjoying the game without looking at stats. Losing stats doesn't make my 1000+ wasted.