Poseidon wrote:
Miggle wrote:
i really don't see what makes the 360 games so much better than the ps3.
enlighten me.
(I'm including everything that's both 360 only and 360/PC only)
Alan Wake
BioshockGears of War
Left 4 Dead
Mass Effect
Dead Rising
Halo 3
Halo Wars
Forza Motorsport 2
Motorstorm, Uncharted and Resistance are the only PS3 only titles I can think of that are good. And in all honesty, I didn't like the Resistance demo, which is why I got Burnout Paradise instead.
However, PS3 will be coming up with a lot of good PS3 only titles. Haze, MGS (even though I don't care for MGS), etc. But seeing as Microsoft is a developer of the most used (and best, stfu mac fanboys) PC operating system, you have to figure that a computer company with one of the richest men on the planet as CEO (or, was) is going to make better games overall than an electronics company like Sony.
First mistake... did you just say Microsoft makes the "best" OS? Ever heard of Linux, no? Well fooking use it! Ubuntu is FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR better than any MS OS, MS OS's are designed for things like word, excel, etc etc, MS programs, and whats funny, its not even good at that. That makes it just about the WORST OS out there, for christsake mac OS has better MS Word than MS OS's and I fuking HATE macs.
Second mistake, thinking because MS is rich it makes good software, see above... and please explain the total flop that was the xbox... ill say this once. 120 million to 26 million... Sony make better consoles, period.
Third mistake, thinking because a console has lots of exclusives it means something, seeing as half those exclusives, arent EXCLUSIVES, as they are on the PC, and a quarter more of them are pure shit.. that really doesnt leave much reason for buying an xbox360 over the PS3, be it that I did actually buy one before the PS3, but that wasnt because of the long list of exclusives, it was because it was cheap.