I ask you, what in the realm of online First-Person-Shooters gaming is more annoying than firing off a few shoots only for some idiot on your team to run in front of them and make you lose points for your ally not paying enough attention? Having someone from your team throw a grenade that you got to close to and kill you unnecessarily and undeservedly.
Friendly Fire severs no purpose other than pissing people off. In games where the objective is to kill enemies why make it that you can kill your own allies, advancing the opposite objective. FF does not, in anyway enhance the gameplay experience but what it does do is make it much more frustrating.
FF also allows grievers a chance to do actual harm to the experience of other people, if there are hostile/juvenile players on the server then they will often attack friends for the sole purpose of upsetting their experience, and with the people they are killing giving them the benefit of the doubt and not wanting to ruin their own score and the score of their team they will not retaliate upon first attack.
What baffles me is that FF has been in games for over 10 years and it has never had any positive impact on the gameplay in those. >10 years of frustration and grief caused by FriendlyFire and developers still put it into games. TF2 however got it dead right. Valve knew how FriendlyFire would utterly ruin the experience of TeamFortress2 and as such they decided to make it impossible to directly damage the other players on one's team and as such the game is vastly less frustrating than it would have been if FriendlyFire had been included.
The only possible reason to include FriendlyFire in a video game is to increase the amount of realism in a game, since in real life ammunition does not discriminate, something that Vietnamese children and British Army soldiers can attest to, however realism should never be a higher priority than making the game fun, the purpose of gaming is to get away from reality into a world that is more exciting and fun- something that making realism to important can often damage. On top of this very many games are highly unrealistic already, if in a game one can run, jump and shoot a gun from his hip and still hit his enemy right in the face or quickly revive a comrade who has been killing by a direct hit from explosive round realism in general and FriendlyFire in particular have little to no place.
So I ask you one final question, is there any good reason to have FriendlyFire in an unrealistic game? Or is TF2 the way of the future in more ways than just its art style and diverse yet balanced gameplay?
Friendly Fire severs no purpose other than pissing people off. In games where the objective is to kill enemies why make it that you can kill your own allies, advancing the opposite objective. FF does not, in anyway enhance the gameplay experience but what it does do is make it much more frustrating.
FF also allows grievers a chance to do actual harm to the experience of other people, if there are hostile/juvenile players on the server then they will often attack friends for the sole purpose of upsetting their experience, and with the people they are killing giving them the benefit of the doubt and not wanting to ruin their own score and the score of their team they will not retaliate upon first attack.
What baffles me is that FF has been in games for over 10 years and it has never had any positive impact on the gameplay in those. >10 years of frustration and grief caused by FriendlyFire and developers still put it into games. TF2 however got it dead right. Valve knew how FriendlyFire would utterly ruin the experience of TeamFortress2 and as such they decided to make it impossible to directly damage the other players on one's team and as such the game is vastly less frustrating than it would have been if FriendlyFire had been included.
The only possible reason to include FriendlyFire in a video game is to increase the amount of realism in a game, since in real life ammunition does not discriminate, something that Vietnamese children and British Army soldiers can attest to, however realism should never be a higher priority than making the game fun, the purpose of gaming is to get away from reality into a world that is more exciting and fun- something that making realism to important can often damage. On top of this very many games are highly unrealistic already, if in a game one can run, jump and shoot a gun from his hip and still hit his enemy right in the face or quickly revive a comrade who has been killing by a direct hit from explosive round realism in general and FriendlyFire in particular have little to no place.
So I ask you one final question, is there any good reason to have FriendlyFire in an unrealistic game? Or is TF2 the way of the future in more ways than just its art style and diverse yet balanced gameplay?