So long as the developers have taken note of the good and bad points of both Crysis and Cod4 then I think bf3 will be a success.

What have they changed (apart from the IO setting obviously) that makes nadespamming and claywhoring more attractive?Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:
I feel your pain and would do a rant of my own but nobody cares anymore.
Looks like people are content playing 24/7 Karkand while nade spamming and claymoring the shit out of each other.
true enoughAjax_the_Great1 wrote:
I feel your pain and would do a rant of my own but nobody cares anymore.
Trying to pick a fight eh? I'll leave you to your business then.¦TØP¦straz_mataz wrote:
true enoughAjax_the_Great1 wrote:
I feel your pain and would do a rant of my own but nobody cares anymore.
I only made this thread anyway cause this forum has been pretty dead lately and its pretty funny too get people riled up about nothing.
Fair enough.¦TØP¦straz_mataz wrote:
Oh i still play bf2 and i am well adjusted too how the game plays now.I just wish that all the nubs didnt complain about stupid shit 2 years ago because they couldnt adjust too how the game was being played.howler_27 wrote:
In regards to the first post: Yeah, this game just sucks. I guess that's why people are still playing it over the 3 yrs that it came out. Geesh, get a grip. Your talk is almost noobish in itself.
¦TØP¦straz_mataz wrote:
different strokes.....Sgt.Kyle wrote:
I didn't know having a negative k/d in every gun was funNicholas Langdon wrote:
I didnt know you needed incredible stats to enjoy the game....
I agree with the whole nerfing thing but you've forgotten it takes two to tango. Nor EA or DICE used their common sense through playtesting to realise "hey, indestructible claymores that only trigger on enemies is basically a kill in a box" or "did we really want grenade launchers to bounce off vehicles?". In my eyes, that's worse. You can excuse people being idiots over the internet and having terrible, terrible ideas because you aren't paying them for it. When a corporation makes mistakes, multiple times in secession and isn't even big enough to admit it, that's where my blame truly lies.¦TØP¦straz_mataz wrote:
Thanks noobs for ruining this game with your crying and QQ's
Like up and down?Nicholas Langdon wrote:
different strokes.....Sgt.Kyle wrote:
I didn't know having a negative k/d in every gun was funNicholas Langdon wrote:
I didnt know you needed incredible stats to enjoy the game....
STATS ARE LIFE ASWELL.Spider1980 wrote:
The game is fine. Play it or play something better.