Sorry, didn't see you edited the first post...
Download the dedicated server files here: … _141;72507Run the installer, and there are some ports you need to open to allow players to join: (Taken from link below)
"Server Ports:
TCP 80
TCP 4711
UDP 1500-4999
UDP 16567
UDP 55123-55125
UDP/TCP 1024-1124
UDP/TCP 27900-27901
UDP/TCP 29900
But on an unranked normal training server, only the 29900 and 16567 are important. It's mostly on ranked servers where you need to open up all the others too." … rver_SetupThe server is free to run, and to play the sandbox mod, get the server files for sandbox and copy them into the dedicated server mods folder. (Or you can just copy the sandbox mod from bf2/mods/sandbox into the folder, but it will take more space.
Then, load up the server launcher, and tweak your settings,etc. As stated above, maker sure you run 64 player maps. Then, after the server is started, log in with your local ip, and give others your internet ip, found easily here: