First thing I did was throw the toy-looking super tiny boxed cooler away...
So lets see what happens when... E2180 + 9700NT + ME = ???
went straight to 266mhz fsb which equals to 2666mhz with 10x multiplier. manual 1.35vcore and everything else stock volt.
"It works... moar!"
Then I though "damn this is too slow way to OC!"
and changed fsb to 333mhz which equals to 3333mhz with 10x multiplier.
Of course it didn't boot at those volts I had so I changed the NB voltage to 1.43V, CPU PPL to 1.82V and CPU FSB ref. to 1.42V.
Then I started bumbing vcore till I would get in Windows. by 0.025V steps.
1.375v NO
1.4v NO
1.425v NO
1.45v NO
1.475v something
1.5v boot almost
1.525v boot FINALLY but orthos = BSOD
1.55v Orthos crunching for 2 mins but crash
1.5675v Orthos stable!!!!
and temps stay around 70c.
At these clocks this budget CPU beats more than 3 times more expensive CPUs.
Now this is what I would call great bang for buck.
LOL things that happened:
I tried 340FSB and when I posted the screen was full of funny artifacts and went to BIOS to see the same. "Ok.... interesting... This sure as hell isn't stable." And fast changed the FSB back to 333 and rebooted and everything was fine again.