When OC'd it's a decent CPU.GC_PaNzerFIN wrote:
the lowest end AMD seems to be priced the same as 8300GS in here. And I challenge you to look it at this way: decent CPUs cost today less than decent gfx cards. like HD3870 I sold to freezer at 110€ is a very decent gfx card. And my E2180 is very decent CPU but it costed only 56€.Bertster7 wrote:
Look at it this way, the most expensive GPU is way cheaper than the most expensive CPU as well as the cheapest currentish CPUs being more expensive than the cheapest GPUs. If you want to get down to things like the E1200 (which is why on my post I didn't call it low end, I called it lower end) then that's more expensive than a very low end current GPU like the 8300GS or the 8400GS. The price gap is smaller, since they're priced so low anyway, but it's still clear.GC_PaNzerFIN wrote:
That varies so much depending on country and models. There are many steps in mid-range for example. 8800GT being lower midrange and Q9300 being higher midrange. It is impossible to start comparing GPU/CPU prices that closely but you are much more likely to spend more money on GPU than CPU.
For example 9800GTX costs about 270€ here and the q9300 on the other hand is only 200€.
And I wouldn't count E7200 low end. It is just a tad away from E8200.
Although I see your point as well.
To be honest, I find just over £100 mark to be the sweet spot for both CPU and GPU in the UK. But that's because I prefer to have faster GPUs since the most demanding thing I typically do on my computers at home is gaming and most games are GPU bound. That doesn't really demonstrate that GPUs are the same price, because they're not.
But I can see where you're coming from, but just remember you are looking at this from a specialised perspective where you are more likely to be putting more strain on your GPU than CPU and therefore need a disproportionately powerful GPU.