be nice
+2,646|6712|The Twilight Zone

GC is a community of gamers from all over the world who enjoy playing Battlefield 2 (BF2) but were disappointed by the lack of teamwork and Rambo style of play found on most public servers. GC is also an open tournament for individuals and clans to compete against each other. This tournament has been modeled after conquest style board games such as Risk and Axis & Allies. The difference being that instead of rolling dice to simulate combat we actually fight out the battles on our 64 player servers using BF2.

Sounds cool, how does it work?
We have designed our own campaign map consisting of Eurasia. The campaign is designed in the style of the board game "Risk" - each army has divisions that they can position and attack other territories with. There are currently 44 territories on the map. Each of these territories also have a capital city. The two armies take turns fighting for these territories on Saturdays and utilizing special missions on Tuesdays. If an army gains control of both the territory and capital city that territory is locked down under their control. To win the campaign an army must control 70% of the campaign map or both of the enemy's Military Bases.

When are the battles fought?

    * Saturday 1pm EST lasts 6 hours. (10am Pacific, 18 GMT, 19 CET)
    * Tuesday 3pm EST lasts 2-3 hours. (Noon Pacific, 20 GMT, 21 CET)  ---->This campaign we only play on Saturdays
    * Tuesday 8pm EST lasts 2-3 hours. (5pm Pacific, 1 GMT, 2 CET)

Where are the battles fought?
GC operates 2 64 player servers. One located in New York, the other located in Germany. We use the German server for the first half of Saturday and on Tuesday's first battle. We use the New York server for the second half of Saturdays and on Tuesday's second battle. The IPs for each are located on the left side bar. Passwords will be provided over TeamSpeak before the battles.

Why does GC use 2 servers?
GC is a true global community with players from all over the world (mostly North America and Europe). To help provide the best experience (lower pings) for our European members we use the German server during the times when our Euro member attendence is highest.

Do I have to be there for the entire battle?
No. The battles last so long and occur at different times to allow all of our members to join in. You can attend as much or a little as you like.

What's the difference between the 6 hour and 2-3 hour battles?
On Saturday's we fight for territories using the 32 player versions of the maps. On Tuesdays we fight for capitol cities using the 16 player versions of the maps. All members are welcome to attend both battle days and despite the map size we can have 64 players in the server for the battles.

What is the so called “+4” rule?
To keep the two sides even we have imposed a limit on the number of players one side can have over the other. This limit used to be four players more regardless of the total players on the server (thus called the “+4” rule). We have now amended this limit as follows: +2 at 10-14 players per side, +3 at 15-19 players, and +4 when there are 20 or more players per side.

Why can't I use all chat during a match?
This rule was adopted to keep the message log from becoming flooded and to stop trash talking before it begins. Only the high command and executive senate members may use all chat during the match.
GC can be broken down into two sections: The community and the tournament. Within those two sections are several sub groups. These sub groups are: The Executive Senate and the Votable members (which make decisions and develop GC as a Community); the High Command, Company Officers and the “troops” (which make the game side decisions and participate in the tournament). A full explanation of each of these groups follows.

Executive Senate?
This is the governing body of GC. It is made up of the founders and developers of the organization. These people moderate the forums, admin the game and teamspeak servers, develop the GC Mod and website as well as take care of the business end of GC. This group is just a handful of members but takes care of at least ¾ of the work that keeps GC running. If you enjoy your time here please take a moment to thank these people for their effort.

Votable Members?
This group is made up of members who have donated to GC for the upkeep of our servers and web space. These members make the decisions for or against any proposed changes or additions to the GC community. Anyone can become a votable member by simply making a donation to GC. Donations are not required to participate in GC but are encouraged.

High Command? (HC)
These members lead the armies, decide which territory to attack and the strategies to be used. They also provide in game leadership on battledays. This group is comprised entirely of officers and is considered the “brass” or upper ranks. In keeping with military tradition they hand out orders to the Company Officers who then relay the message to the troops under their command. They may also sometimes issue orders directly and their orders always supersede those given by the company officers. (Orders refer to in game instructions given over Teamspeak). Members are appointed to the position of General by the executive senate at the beginning of the campaign and the generals then appoint members to their HC.

Company Officers? (COs)
These members lead the different companies that make up the army and are the goto people for both the HC and the troops. Considered field grade officers, they are issued general orders by the HC and are left to take care of the specifics of a task themselves. For instance the HC will issue an order for a company to take a certain flag using certain vehicles and the COs then issue specific orders to their troops so each individual will know what they are to do. If a company proves unable to fulfill their orders it is up to the CO to relay this information and possibly a suggested course of action to the HC. COs are often caught in the middle of battlefield communications with orders coming down and comments from the troops coming up, it can be difficult to hear everything. If your request seems to have been ignored it was probably just lost in the chatter, wait a moment and ask again. COs are appointed by the HC at the beginning of the campaign.

This is the heart and soul of the army. Everyone who is not an officer is considered to be one of the troops. These members will fight in the battles, drive the vehicles, advance through fire and die in the mud for their army as it attempts to gain control of the campaign map. The troops have but one responsibility, to listen to their COs and follow their orders. While these members technically do not make decisions on strategy and tactics input is always welcome. After all the HC and COs for the next campaign will come from the troops of this campaign.

So where do I fit in?
As a new member you will start out as being one of the troops. Once you have proven yourself on the battlefield you will be promoted with-in your battalion and may even be considered for an officer position in the next campaign (if that interests you). Bottom line is you can be involved in GC as much or as little as you want. If you want to get involved in the map choices and strategies, let people know and share your opinions. If you want to lead a company, work your way up to a non-com position and let your CO know that a CO position is of interest to you. If you want nothing more than to fight in the best on-line Battlefield tournament around then simply sign-up and show-up for the battledays.

What if I want to fly?
There are lots of pilots out there but most maps only have enough planes for 2 or 3 people to fly at a time. Air power can also have a huge impact on the outcome of a battle so armies want their best pilots in the air. For these reasons we require members interested in joining the pilot company to try-out. Start out by signing up for an army and an infantry company. Once you have access to you sides forums you can then read the sign-up post in the pilot company barracks for more information on trying out.

What about the other vehicles?
All other vehicles will be assigned to specific individuals at the beginning of each round by their COs. Sometimes we will also have try outs for other vehicles to make sure the best drivers get assigned to them first. Information on these try outs will be posted in your army's forums should they be needed. Note: If you are assigned a vehicle it is considered yours for the rest of the round. If your vehicle explodes you are expected to die in it, spawn back where ever your vehicle spawns at and bring it back up to the front lines.

What if I want to be a sniper?
No player is to spawn as a sniper unless given express permission to do so. Snipers are great for harrassing a spawn point but don't add much for capturing or defending flags. To keep everyone from spawning in as a sniper only those with express permission can do so.

What is Special Operations?
This is a special battalion whose primary missions consist of stealing or sabotaging enemy equipment, disrupting the enemy's back lines and capturing rear flags to draw attention away from the main assault. This battalion's sign-ups are by invitation only so you'll need to prove yourself in battle before you can be selected for this squad. Note: Not all armies have Spec Ops squads. This is a decision made by the HC.
I am a member of a clan that wants to participate in GC.

If we join will we be able to play together?
Absolutely. We have several clans that play together here at GC and welcome them. Just have everyone in your clan sign up for the same side and squad.
You'll need to own Battlefield 2 and download and set-up Teamspeak.

How should I set-up Teamspeak?
Use the IP address listed in the left sidebar. When you first connect you will need to do so anonymously. Once connected you should register with the server. This option is found under the “Self” menu. Once you've registered with the server you'll need to disconnect and then reconnect using the username and password you provided. Once you've completed these steps you'll be able to move between the various rooms on the server. You'll notice that there are separate rooms for each battalion in each army. On battledays you should join the room corresponding to the battalion you signed up for. Two more notes: 1) Always ask before joining the game server. Your side may have reached the “+4” limit. 2) Assign a push-to-talk key under “Settings->Input/Output Settings.” No one wants to hear you breathing into your mic.

I'm having trouble getting everything to work. Can someone help me?
Absolutely. Logging onto teamspeak is usually the quickest way to get help. There is almost always someone hanging out on our server. Failing that feel free to PM a member and request help, or you can also post a question in our “New Members Help” forum.

I've got everything set-up, now what?
Now you need to sign-up with an army and a squad. Once you've chosen a side and squad you'll have access to their forums. On these forums you'll find more information regarding squad specific sign-up requirements.

Which side should I choose?
Which ever side you prefer. Sometimes one side or the other has a greater need for members so why not join that side?

Does it matter which company I choose?
Not really. For all practical purposes the infantry companies are all the same. If you want to be a part of the pilot company then you will need to try out for that position after signing up for an infantry company. As a new member you will not be eligible for the high command or special operations companies.
Campaign 11 is currently running, we are playing the mod AIX. I know there has been a debate on the forums whether the mod is good or not-well heres your chance to try it out. http://www.aixtended.com/

All who support teamplay and like organized battles are welcome, you might even meet new friends.
Heres our site http://www.global-conflict.org/index.php
Official Battlefield fanboy
+240|6407|San Antonio, Texas
Daaaammmnnnn! Pics of the epicness after plox. Best of luck with this very fun-sounding match!
Isn't this like bf2combat?
R.I.P. Neda
+456|7088|Grapevine, TX

aimless wrote:

Isn't this like bf2combat?
be nice
+2,646|6712|The Twilight Zone

aimless wrote:

Isn't this like bf2combat?
There you have to pay for membership right? Well here you don't need to.
Played with Global Conflict for a while. It's deffinetly more structured than a regular pub match and I'd suggest checking it out, and you're ususally working as a team with a commander telling you what to do so you're really going to enjoy it if you like teamwork.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
Seems way to complex for me. I'm fine with fining a good pub and raping everyone in there.
+303|6252|The pool
Sounds cool, but computer is too fail for AIX

DoctaStrangelove wrote:

Seems way to complex for me. I'm fine with fining a good pub and raping everyone in there.
Yeah, but most people after 1500 hours of doing that, get very bored.
I can haz titanium paancakez?
Sounds cool but why not play PR...
be nice
+2,646|6712|The Twilight Zone

Metal-Eater-GR wrote:

Sounds cool but why not play PR...
We might go for a different mod each campaign.


Camp 11 is almost over, camp 12 coming after summer vacations. Get ready for another exciting campaign.

Last edited by .Sup (2008-06-02 02:22:48)

Big Mouth Prick
+219|6789|Golf 1.8 GTI Wolfsburg Edition
GC as in GC_Panzerfin?
be nice
+2,646|6712|The Twilight Zone

_NL_Lt.EngineerFox wrote:

GC as in GC_Panzerfin?
No, hes just a GC wannabe.
be nice
+2,646|6712|The Twilight Zone
A new campaign will start soon, camp 12. We will be playing Forgotten hope so heres your chance to play a WW2 mod organized with lots of team play. This is going to be a standard axis vs allies campaign with its own "point counting" system.

Click the picture and it will take you to community's site.
100% Irishpride
They should do the same but vanilla BF2.
Compensation of Reactive Power in the grid
Been there Done that... I think it was back in late 2006
الشعب يريد اسقاط النظام
...show me the schematic
Support fanatic :-)

Think i had a boardgame named Global Conflict some odd years ago ... have Axis and Allies on the attic
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
plop plop flop flop
+11|6915|west liberty IA
So for this campaign you guys are running FH2 and its maps. Are there gonna be any stuff to download or will it be announced
be nice
+2,646|6712|The Twilight Zone

100% Irishpride wrote:

They should do the same but vanilla BF2.
We had vanilla for 3 years and like 5 campaigns-gets boring after such long time for some.

latinolink wrote:

So for this campaign you guys are running FH2 and its maps. Are there gonna be any stuff to download or will it be announced
We have our own wiki and you can download from there. Everything will be announced. Last camp we played the AIX mod which was very fun and I'm sure we will play it again.
+22|5956|Bolingbrook, Illinois
Sweet.  Signed up for the draft and I also offered to be an officer.  I can't wait.  =P
Le fuck?
Sounds win, but my computer can't handle FH2 very well.
be nice
+2,646|6712|The Twilight Zone
How do you like my ranks?

Btw Latino and Vivid I drafted both of you on my side.
plop plop flop flop
+11|6915|west liberty IA
YEAH i know
cant wait to play
be nice
+2,646|6712|The Twilight Zone
We are now running BFBC2 campaigns. Free of charge, donations welcomed. Euro & NA server (east coast atm), TS3 required

Campaign 1: There's Something Brewing on Kotelny!


Ladies and gentlemen, Global Conflict is a BF2 tournament community which has been around since BF1942 and has organized tournaments with almost all of the BF games and mods. We are now pleased to be able to officially announce Battlefield Bad Company 2 campaign number 1, "There's something brewing on Kotelny!". Introducing the first Generals for this new era of GC:

Styphon, Mastermind of the Exceptionally Violent and Ill-tempered Liberation (E.V.I.L) Army


Chefcook, Head Chef of the Marvelous Unit of Power and Pride Ending Terror (M.U.P.P.E.T) Army

Register on our forums and sign-up for the campaign here!! We will be holding a draft shortly where all players on the list are chosen by the generals to play for them. But don't worry, if you miss the draft you can still play! After the campaign has started there will be a signup thread for new players so you won't miss out on the fun.

Keep your eyes on the forums as more details about the campaign system, draft and the two sides are released over the coming weeks.

We can promise you teamwork, army structure (chain of command, ranks) and lots of fun.

Clans and friends welcome!

For more info visit http://www.global-conflict.org

Last edited by .Sup (2010-04-03 06:43:38)


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