what stuff have you ordered/are you going to order?killer21 wrote:
Well, I've started ordering some of the parts i.e. mobo, processor, and hdd. I'll order the other stuff next week once I get my stimulus check (win!) and I'll make sure to post some screenies once I am done building it. Thanks again.
Yes, tell us what you ordererd!Jenspm wrote:
what stuff have you ordered/are you going to order?killer21 wrote:
Well, I've started ordering some of the parts i.e. mobo, processor, and hdd. I'll order the other stuff next week once I get my stimulus check (win!) and I'll make sure to post some screenies once I am done building it. Thanks again.
get a zalman 9700 u wont regret it (Y) an u probs know it been a techy
you took an 790i motherboard! Nice! Any idea what ddr3 memory you are going to buy? Good ddr3 memory is expensive
woah that is some nice hardware there DDR3 is still expensive but also the way to go for future-proof high-end rig. We demand pics when you get it
3930K | H100i | RIVF | 16GB DDR3 | GTX 480 | AX750 | 800D | 512GB SSD | 3TB HDD | Xonar DX | W8
LAME!!!! I got an email yesterday saying that the q9450 was not being sold anymore via newegg. So I searched other places and they also do not have it...so, I have to go up to the qx9650 but that is very expensive so....
wb the q93?
that's what I would do. the less cache equals to 100mhz so just a bit OC and the Q9300 is as fast as Q9450. I wouldn't start throwing out so much extra for the QX9650...Mitch92uK wrote:
wb the q93?
3930K | H100i | RIVF | 16GB DDR3 | GTX 480 | AX750 | 800D | 512GB SSD | 3TB HDD | Xonar DX | W8
I haven't decided on which processor to get. I'll let you know what I decide to get.
Q9300 and OC it, the QX9650 isn't worth the money it costs. Use the money you "free up" with the q9300 for an good CPU-cooler and use the rest on good DDR3 ram (cheap DDR3 ram is slower than 800mhz DDR2 ram).
This place says they will have 30 in stock on Wednesday (14th)killer21 wrote:
LAME!!!! I got an email yesterday saying that the q9450 was not being sold anymore via newegg. So I searched other places and they also do not have it...so, I have to go up to the qx9650 but that is very expensive so....

just wait a few days and buy one of these Q9450 .Dauntless wrote:
This place says they will have 30 in stock on Wednesday (14th)killer21 wrote:
LAME!!!! I got an email yesterday saying that the q9450 was not being sold anymore via newegg. So I searched other places and they also do not have it...so, I have to go up to the qx9650 but that is very expensive so....
I ended up building my pc via two companies and started to break down each by specs to see which is the cheapest. That delay of the q9450 annoyed me so I'll just have it built because I don't think I will have time to put it together in the next few weeks. I'll list the specs and prices of both when I get a chance. Oh the two webbies are computerlx and falcon northwest.