
Do you uncap rape?

Yes72%72% - 173
No27%27% - 65
Total: 238
Vagina face
+167|6313|London ㋛

I'm Jamesey[quote=I'm Jamesey wrote:

Ec0li wrote:

I'm Jamesey wrote:

Or you'll do what?

That's what I thought, sit down.
See sig.
You spelled experience wrong.
I don't think a misspelling of a word solicits me being an idiot which is what I imagine you're implying. If you really have nothing constructive to add to this thread, then don't post mate, simple as. This whole "I'm far superior than all you nub pubber smurf etc etc" complex is starting to bore me.

Last edited by Ec0li (2008-05-10 17:06:31)

Missing, Presumed Dead

NUNYA! Bluecow003 wrote:

Good, that's fine.  I just think baseraping is completely unnecessary (I'll get to the meaning of it soon, hold on)
Fair enough, everyone has their views But if you are trying to win, and all they have left is an uncap...raping it is going to ensure that your team win...).

NUNYA! Bluecow003 wrote:

Snake wrote:

Take this scenario:
If theres a map with no uncaps (i.e. Songhua, Mashtuur) and one team is left with a single flag, people can rape away because its "not an uncap". Lets say some crap MEC team is left with the Abandoned Village on OCS (2 DPV's, 1 boat & 1 TOW spawn there) whilst jets, helis, armour and infantry can rape the hell out of that flag, because, you gussed it, it is not an uncap.
Am I right? Because you disallow attacks on uncaps with vehicles...but nothings mentioned about a single flag, because it is not an uncap. Which means that, just because of a "red cross"...you cannot touch it.
Explain why there should be a difference between the two. Please. Im dying to hear this.
This thread was not about other flags, it's about uncaps.  But since I guess I mentioned baserape in my original post, I'll indulge you.  Like I said before, I don't condone any baseraping of any flags.  If there is 1 cappable flag left, I'll go all out on it to try and cap it or if I'm in a vehicle, I'll try to support my guys on the ground who are trying to cap it.  Trying to cap the last flag by killing your way through it and raping the flag are completely two different things.  On our server, we won't baserape them, we'll do our best to cap the flag.
I know its about uncaps and not other flags: the point is, im drawing the comparison that it is seemingly ok to rape the hell out of the last flag provided its not an uncap. The only difference between a flag and an uncap flag, is that one cannot be captured by the opposing team. So why should that make it so that it cannot be attacked by anything in the game?
This is my problem with servers that down allow UCB rape where one team get an uncap and the other doesnt, i.e. Kubra Dam and Operation Harvest.
In the case of Kubra, USMC can rape the hell out of the MEC airfield....but the MEC cant touch the USMC's airfield.
Ditto with Harvest, except its helipads only and no jets.

...and thats the source of the major balance issues on a lot of BF2 maps. They should either have no uncaps fullstop, or both team having a single uncap each, because one team gets a HUGE advantage over the other in these cases: and they are not the only maps. Mass Destruction, Surge, Devils Perch, Leviathan, Night Flight, Warlord, Iron Gator (lol almost all of SF), Dragon Valley, karkand, OCS, Sharqi, Wake... over half the maps in the game, turn into unfair fights because of this.

This isnt a design fault: its a playerbase fault. Nothing else.

NUNYA! Bluecow003 wrote:

Attacking uncaps to me is pointless because you can't capture the flag, so what's the point of attacking it?  Baseraping can be done to any flag, uncap or not.  Baseraping to me is just sitting outside the flag capture zone (or simpy camping spawn points in an uncap) and killing any red guy that moves without bothering to try and capture the flag.  Baseraping of any kind (uncap or not) is just stupid to me.
Ok, I take that point...

NUNYA! Bluecow003 wrote:

Snake wrote:

Scenario No.2:
If you are capturing a flag and an enemy spawns in front of you, are you seriously going to give him a chance to fire back by holding fire for a second or two so they can start firing back or take that APC they are stood next to? I very seriously doubt it.
It's a cappable flag, so in my process of trying to cap the flag, of course I'll kill the guy.  But again, the thread is about uncaps.  My point is what's the point of attacking the uncap since you can't capture the flag, which after all, is the whole point of the game (to capture flags).
That doesnt tie up...its ok to spawn rape in a cappable flag, but not an uncappable? I see no difference, because the end result will be:

- Cappable flag: the flag gets captured by you and you move to the next flag and repeat.
- Uncappable flag: continues until the spawnraper gets killed/kills himself.

Off the top of my head, I cant think of any uncap bases that dont have at least 2 seperate spawning areas associated with them: spawn on the other one. Getting raped on the carrier? Spawn in the boat deck, go AT, and shoot from the halls that lead to the upper deck: lets face it, you arent going to get off there anyway, uncap rape or not because every single one of the enemies will be sat on the nearest part of the land, with jets/helis in the air for good measure. BH's become cannon fodder, and F35's...well, nuff said. Unless you can take off, bail out, have a full squad spawn on you at a flag, cap it...and live, then yes, maybe.

NUNYA! Bluecow003 wrote:

I'll explain to you why it's different.  If your team is raping the uncap, it pretty much means that all the other flags are captured.  That means that your team has the assets of all the other flags available to them.  That usually includes a number of armored vehicles and possibly aircraft.  Also, for most uncaps, there are only a limited number of exit points meaning that the other team can just block them up giving little to no chance of getting out.  If you allow uncap raping, it means the other team can just sit at the uncap spawn points and kill the red guys without any chance for them to move and defend themselves.  Explain to me how that is fair and fun even?  To me, it's boring as hell.  When I say raping, I mean to kill the other team very shortly after they spawn while making no attempt to capture the flag.
So, the team that has surged forward, acquired all the hardware and beaten the enemy to a pulp can no longer use their rewards to finish off the round? If everyone was to sit back and defend those flags the game would be a lot more boring, so at least uncap attacking allows some action until the round ends.

I think steelie hit it on the head, its mainly because people dont want to spawn as a kit that can deal with vehicles. No, a single AT rocket wont kill a tank. But if an entire team were to spawn AT and fire missiles at those vehicles...end result, a lot of smouldering wrecks. Im sure if there was no stats system, people would spawn as AT, fire a rocket, take a death (if they cant avoid/get to cover in time) and try again. I do that quite often, and it works. But if everyone was to do that: well, we wouldnt even be having this discussion.

NUNYA! Bluecow003 wrote:

Does my answer satisfy you?
Yes, as you replied in a proper manner...rare
But, I dont see sense in it, it isn't logical. If you want your team to win, and you have every flag, why not guarantee that: and instead, give them a chance to get back into the game, a game which they have lost already.

But, despite all of this, I rarely play on uncap rape servers anymore As much fun as it can be, it empties servers, and thats my major gripe against it. When you play EF/AF mostly...thats no joke unfortunatly.

Another question: you are flying in a heli, a stinger engages you from their uncap. Do you agree with returning fire back against that stinger?

Edit: forgot a certain quote I wanted to do

Last edited by Snake (2008-05-10 17:36:56)

NUNYA! Bluecow003
+14|6232|Minneapolis, MN

Snake wrote:

I know its about uncaps and not other flags: the point is, im drawing the comparison that it is seemingly ok to rape the hell out of the last flag provided its not an uncap. The only difference between a flag and an uncap flag, is that one cannot be captured by the opposing team. So why should that make it so that it cannot be attacked by anything in the game?
This is my problem with servers that down allow UCB rape where one team get an uncap and the other doesnt, i.e. Kubra Dam and Operation Harvest.
In the case of Kubra, USMC can rape the hell out of the MEC airfield....but the MEC cant touch the USMC's airfield.
Ditto with Harvest, except its helipads only and no jets.

...and thats the source of the major balance issues on a lot of BF2 maps. They should either have no uncaps fullstop, or both team having a single uncap each, because one team gets a HUGE advantage over the other in these cases: and they are not the only maps. Mass Destruction, Surge, Devils Perch, Leviathan, Night Flight, Warlord, Iron Gator (lol almost all of SF), Dragon Valley, karkand, OCS, Sharqi, Wake... over half the maps in the game, turn into unfair fights because of this.

This isnt a design fault: its a playerbase fault. Nothing else.
In the cases of maps that one team doesn't have an uncap, it's because they have all the other flags and they are playing defense.  It's their job to defend all the flags.  I agree that maybe all the maps should have at least an uncap for each team.

Snake wrote:

That doesnt tie up...its ok to spawn rape in a cappable flag, but not an uncappable? I see no difference, because the end result will be:

- Cappable flag: the flag gets captured by you and you move to the next flag and repeat.
- Uncappable flag: continues until the spawnraper gets killed/kills himself.

Off the top of my head, I cant think of any uncap bases that dont have at least 2 seperate spawning areas associated with them: spawn on the other one. Getting raped on the carrier? Spawn in the boat deck, go AT, and shoot from the halls that lead to the upper deck: lets face it, you arent going to get off there anyway, uncap rape or not because every single one of the enemies will be sat on the nearest part of the land, with jets/helis in the air for good measure. BH's become cannon fodder, and F35's...well, nuff said. Unless you can take off, bail out, have a full squad spawn on you at a flag, cap it...and live, then yes, maybe.
By not raping them it at least gives them a chance to come up with a plan of attack (you mentioned squad leader getting out with a jet and bailing).  And it gives the choppers a fair chance to get off the ground and take out the other choppers, thus creating some opening to break through.  It just gives a fair chance at least.

Snake wrote:

So, the team that has surged forward, acquired all the hardware and beaten the enemy to a pulp can no longer use their rewards to finish off the round? If everyone was to sit back and defend those flags the game would be a lot more boring, so at least uncap attacking allows some action until the round ends.
I agree that it's boring to dominate another team and just play defense on the flags you have.  In our server, when that happens, our clan members will join the losing team and help them fight back.  It makes it a lot more fun because the losing team has a lot of work to do, meaning a lot of flags to get and red guys to kill.  So yeah, we don't like unbalanced teams and we switch it up to make it balanced.  Seems to be a win-win for everyone.

Snake wrote:

I think steelie hit it on the head, its mainly because people dont want to spawn as a kit that can deal with vehicles. No, a single AT rocket wont kill a tank. But if an entire team were to spawn AT and fire missiles at those vehicles...end result, a lot of smouldering wrecks. Im sure if there was no stats system, people would spawn as AT, fire a rocket, take a death (if they cant avoid/get to cover in time) and try again. I do that quite often, and it works. But if everyone was to do that: well, we wouldnt even be having this discussion.
I guess I disagree.  Where I've played, the teams always do seem to spawn at AT and kill vehicles.  You guys must just play on servers with an over-abundance of idiots, haha.

Snake wrote:

Yes, as you replied in a proper manner...rare
But, I dont see sense in it, it isn't logical. If you want your team to win, and you have every flag, why not guarantee that: and instead, give them a chance to get back into the game, a game which they have lost already.

But, despite all of this, I rarely play on uncap rape servers anymore As much fun as it can be, it empties servers, and thats my major gripe against it. When you play EF/AF mostly...thats no joke unfortunatly.
It's boring to dominate another team, at least to me it is.  I'll join a losing team if it's that bad just because it's more interesting to try and come from behind.  To me the whole game is about fun, not necessarily winning.  I try to win, but I put having fun above that.

Snake wrote:

Another question: you are flying in a heli, a stinger engages you from their uncap. Do you agree with returning fire back against that stinger?
Well to me, a chopper shouldn't be getting close enough to get attacked by uncap assets.  Basically, to me it's their fault for getting so close, so they deserve to shot at.  Anyway, our server is a little idealistic maybe, but over the past 9 months I think we've got a pretty loyal following of people who like our rules (our 3 rules in all).  We try to make it competitive, but fair.
i g

less qq

I'm not a huge advocate of it and it is pretty frustrating when you're on the receiving end of it, however I do do it sometimes. If the other team can't cap a flag and we've got them all and the game is winding down, or if I'm in a jet or heli chasing someone around. Also I love bombing the assets, but some douche admins think that's raping the uncap, even if an engineer repairing stuff gets caught in the crossfire.

What the fuck does it matter? It's not a very complex issue, you do or you don't and in this wonderful video game it makes no difference.
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob

Ec0li wrote:

I'm Jamesey[quote=I'm Jamesey wrote:

Ec0li wrote:

See sig.
You spelled experience wrong.
I don't think a misspelling of a word solicits me being an idiot which is what I imagine you're implying. If you really have nothing constructive to add to this thread, then don't post mate, simple as. This whole "I'm far superior than all you nub pubber smurf etc etc" complex is starting to bore me.
I am a nub pubber smurf, yet still superior to the rest of you.
Missing, Presumed Dead

NUNYA! Bluecow003 wrote:

Snake wrote:

Another question: you are flying in a heli, a stinger engages you from their uncap. Do you agree with returning fire back against that stinger?
Well to me, a chopper shouldn't be getting close enough to get attacked by uncap assets.  Basically, to me it's their fault for getting so close, so they deserve to shot at.  Anyway, our server is a little idealistic maybe, but over the past 9 months I think we've got a pretty loyal following of people who like our rules (our 3 rules in all).  We try to make it competitive, but fair.
Ghost Town? MD? You have to be pretty far away not to get engaged. Ditto with Iron Gator: Ive been kicked in the past for sending a TV from the Apache to take out a Stinger site for "raping the uncap". How is that fair when you cant even defend the ship properly with that engaging you?

One thing Ive never understood, and been kicked for (in disgust), is where an enemy team is sat in their uncap with no other flags. GT is a great example. They have no flags left, you are holding/defending the closest flag (i.e. the bridge) and they are shooting at you from their uncap: but if I were to shoot back, I get kicked because "Im raping the uncap". If you want a fair game, how is it fair that you can shoot them, but they are not allowed to return fire?
It just doesnt work, unless your entire team were to retreat to their uncap and give them a chance. Its just not going to happen: and the way I see it, in some cases, as being a way of protecting those poor admins who cant maintain a 1/1 kd if they enforce it to that extent (which is usually when they get killed).
Raping is sat in an uncap killing people continuously: not engaging and taking out a single enemy unit that is already engaging you, whether it be a stinger, tow, mobile aa...

No point continuing the rest: its personal opinion at the end of the day Our posts have kind of proved it: and that it's not going to change.
Personally, I think it causes too many problems as there are loopholes, but hey, I stick to the rules in a select few servers so Im not worried. If its allowed, then I will when the rest of the job is done: if not, I stay well clear of them because of too many loopholes in the rule that quite frankly, are petty and stupid reasons to get kicked (i.e. the stinger site).
To be honest I don't care anyway..
+57|7051|Great Wall

Snake wrote:

One thing Ive never understood, and been kicked for (in disgust), is where an enemy team is sat in their uncap with no other flags. GT is a great example. They have no flags left, you are holding/defending the closest flag (i.e. the bridge) and they are shooting at you from their uncap: but if I were to shoot back, I get kicked because "Im raping the uncap". If you want a fair game, how is it fair that you can shoot them, but they are not allowed to return fire?
You just need to stop playing on noob servers like NSI, =22nd=, {95th} etc.. the list is long. All those admins-players are pretty low-skilled there. The more someone sucks the more rules he will have on his server.
Vagina face
+167|6313|London ㋛

I do see certain flaws in the argument against uncap rape, with being engaged from within the uncap but not being able to fight back and the fact that no one blinks an eye when it's not an uncap, but there's only so long you can rape a cappable flag until your team caps it, with an uncap that's not the case, it's just plain and simple spawn rape, you can't cap the flag so there's no reason for you to be at that flag, with two apc's, two tanks, jets in the sky and an attack chopper, with the opposition given the choice of two spawn points, they really have no fighting chance, with one attack chopper, yeah, they'd have their work cut out, but against a whole teamattacking, nah.
I think the argument "war is war" is total bull as well, war was never designed to be fun, was it? The game was. Uncap rape is boring for the raping the team and frustrating for the raped team and it generally empties out servers, I'm not looking for a solution to it, you can't ask the opposition to hang back and "let me take a flag" I was just merely stating that i don't agree with it and seldom do I do it on servers that allow it, some maps are an exception (double standards I know) eg. gator. But there's taking out AA in the uncap then theres circle strafing the uncap, one is spawn rape the other is defense.

Last edited by Ec0li (2008-05-11 03:56:45)

To be honest I don't care anyway..
+57|7051|Great Wall

Ec0li wrote:

I think the argument "war is war" is total bull as well, war was never designed to be fun, was it? The game was. Uncap rape is boring for the raping the team and frustrating for the raped team and it generally empties out servers, I'm not looking for a solution to it...
But there is a solution... While you are being raped think what you f00ked up and what you can do better next time for your team. Then go and try again. The only people crying about being raped are those who care about their precious stats. When I get raped I just deal with that. Being put in the situation that my team gets baseraped is partially my fault as well. In next round I know what I can do better.
+630|6957|The Netherlands

¦TØP¦straz_mataz wrote:

i baserape whenever i can
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob

Drunk_Musketeer wrote:

Ec0li wrote:

I think the argument "war is war" is total bull as well, war was never designed to be fun, was it? The game was. Uncap rape is boring for the raping the team and frustrating for the raped team and it generally empties out servers, I'm not looking for a solution to it...
But there is a solution... While you are being raped think what you f00ked up and what you can do better next time for your team. Then go and try again. The only people crying about being raped are those who care about their precious stats. When I get raped I just deal with that. Being put in the situation that my team gets baseraped is partially my fault as well. In next round I know what I can do better.
Not hard to deal with baserape when you can just snipe from your uncaps
To be honest I don't care anyway..
+57|7051|Great Wall

I'm Jamesey wrote:

Not hard to deal with baserape when you can just snipe from your uncaps
Yeah and wait for Hind/Apache to rape you hard

But in IO being baseraped is not a problem for a half decent sniper.. That's where fun actually begins.. So many heads to shoot at. Hard to decide who kill first..

I don't play IO at all these days.

Last edited by Drunk_Musketeer (2008-05-11 04:40:42)

NUNYA! Bluecow003
+14|6232|Minneapolis, MN

Snake wrote:

Ghost Town? MD? You have to be pretty far away not to get engaged. Ditto with Iron Gator: Ive been kicked in the past for sending a TV from the Apache to take out a Stinger site for "raping the uncap". How is that fair when you cant even defend the ship properly with that engaging you?

One thing Ive never understood, and been kicked for (in disgust), is where an enemy team is sat in their uncap with no other flags. GT is a great example. They have no flags left, you are holding/defending the closest flag (i.e. the bridge) and they are shooting at you from their uncap: but if I were to shoot back, I get kicked because "Im raping the uncap". If you want a fair game, how is it fair that you can shoot them, but they are not allowed to return fire?
It just doesnt work, unless your entire team were to retreat to their uncap and give them a chance. Its just not going to happen: and the way I see it, in some cases, as being a way of protecting those poor admins who cant maintain a 1/1 kd if they enforce it to that extent (which is usually when they get killed).
Raping is sat in an uncap killing people continuously: not engaging and taking out a single enemy unit that is already engaging you, whether it be a stinger, tow, mobile aa...

No point continuing the rest: its personal opinion at the end of the day Our posts have kind of proved it: and that it's not going to change.
Personally, I think it causes too many problems as there are loopholes, but hey, I stick to the rules in a select few servers so Im not worried. If its allowed, then I will when the rest of the job is done: if not, I stay well clear of them because of too many loopholes in the rule that quite frankly, are petty and stupid reasons to get kicked (i.e. the stinger site).
1.  I only play vanilla, so I can't really comment on any situations in SF.
2.  Our server allows infantry to attack uncaps because then at least a spawned soldier has a decently fair chance since it's soldier vs. soldier.  So that eleviates your frustration of not being able to shoot into an uncap.
3.  It sounds like you play on servers that are noobs-a-plenty.
Back to the Fuhrer
+208|6274|Places 'n such

NUNYA! Bluecow003 wrote:

2.  Our server allows infantry to attack uncaps because then at least a spawned soldier has a decently fair chance since it's soldier vs. soldier.  So that eleviates your frustration of not being able to shoot into an uncap.
That just leads to support kits laying by the spawns firing continously and it pisses me off, spawn, die, spawn, die...
You should only engage people in the uncaps if they're firing at you, not throw nades randomly into them or camp them.
I'd type my pc specs out all fancy again but teh mods would remove it. Again.
spank that azz.
+146|6172|Nibiru in a far away galaxy
I/O only yes if it's allowed , other wise i'm to busy getting flags or defending
NUNYA! Bluecow003
+14|6232|Minneapolis, MN

presidentsheep wrote:

NUNYA! Bluecow003 wrote:

2.  Our server allows infantry to attack uncaps because then at least a spawned soldier has a decently fair chance since it's soldier vs. soldier.  So that eleviates your frustration of not being able to shoot into an uncap.
That just leads to support kits laying by the spawns firing continously and it pisses me off, spawn, die, spawn, die...
You should only engage people in the uncaps if they're firing at you, not throw nades randomly into them or camp them.
Man, what servers do you guys play on?!  They sound like they suck.  We seriously don't have like any problems like you talk about.  Even though we do allow infantry to attack the uncaps, people rarely do.  If anything it's just people that want to steal a jet maybe.  I guess we have it better than I thought on our server, haha.
Don't tase me, bro!

NUNYA! Bluecow003 wrote:

presidentsheep wrote:

NUNYA! Bluecow003 wrote:

2.  Our server allows infantry to attack uncaps because then at least a spawned soldier has a decently fair chance since it's soldier vs. soldier.  So that eleviates your frustration of not being able to shoot into an uncap.
That just leads to support kits laying by the spawns firing continously and it pisses me off, spawn, die, spawn, die...
You should only engage people in the uncaps if they're firing at you, not throw nades randomly into them or camp them.
Man, what servers do you guys play on?!  They sound like they suck.  We seriously don't have like any problems like you talk about.  Even though we do allow infantry to attack the uncaps, people rarely do.  If anything it's just people that want to steal a jet maybe.  I guess we have it better than I thought on our server, haha.
Um, I remember you NUNYA...im sure that I knifed you (or one of your friends) on the Sharqi TV Station after you tried to empty a full magazine of your G36E into me and called me a hacker ...then went psycho and spam-yelled things over the VOIP....
AKA Selkies ftw
Only on Wake as PLA. I have no problem bombing the carrier or arty island. And when I don't get in a J10 I snipe arty island which isn't really "raping" an uncap because I'm generally 300 or so meters away.
Ghost Town T90/Apache Whore
+99|6312|Aberdeen, Scotland

Drunk Musketeer,

I'm not sure why you included us on your list of shame...

Our players may not be the most skilled, as we recruit based on personality and prefer to have fun rather than worry about stats and leet skills, but our server rules certainly aren't anything unusual.

We dislike spawnrape on any flag, however anyone can shoot into the uncaps.
Specops are allowed to enter uncaps and engage the enemy, and even steal vehicles from the uncap.
Aircraft may also engage each other over uncaps, but again spawnraping the vehicle spawns is dissallowed.
Other than that our rules are common sense, ie no hacking/glitching/excessive abuse.

Infact we introduced a rule on our Kark server specifically to prevent some of our own members from sneaking straight to the factory and raping the MEC with their own armour; while a viable tactic, it's really no fun for anyone if that's all that happens every round.

Also, you know I play and admin on Max Carnage...so why would I be part of a clan that enforces bullshit rules just to suit its members?


Incidentally, French servers generally have the most bullshit rules and admins regarding this sort of thing

Last edited by MrAnderson (2008-05-12 05:54:06)


MrAnderson wrote:


Drunk Musketeer,

I'm not sure why you included us on your list of shame...

Our players may not be the most skilled, as we recruit based on personality and prefer to have fun rather than worry about stats and leet skills, but our server rules certainly aren't anything unusual.

We dislike spawnrape on any flag, however anyony can shoot into the uncaps.
Specops are allowed to enter uncaps and engage the enemy, and even use steal vehicles from the uncap.
Aircraft may also engage each other over uncaps, but again spawnraping the vehicle spawns is dissallowed.
Those are the gay aforementioned rules...
Find your center.

Hey look outside, there's a WORLD
Nature is a powerful force. Those who seek to subdue nature, never do so permanently.
Hooray Beer!
+94|6883|United States
If our team beats an enemy back to their uncap, yes. (No if they only have one completely secluded uncap)
If the server allows it, yes.
If the server allows it but the map starts one team off at the carrier, no. (I'd rather play a game then rape one from the start)
If the server doesn't allow it, sometimes.
NUNYA! Bluecow003
+14|6232|Minneapolis, MN

BigOrangeArmy wrote:

NUNYA! Bluecow003 wrote:

presidentsheep wrote:

That just leads to support kits laying by the spawns firing continously and it pisses me off, spawn, die, spawn, die...
You should only engage people in the uncaps if they're firing at you, not throw nades randomly into them or camp them.
Man, what servers do you guys play on?!  They sound like they suck.  We seriously don't have like any problems like you talk about.  Even though we do allow infantry to attack the uncaps, people rarely do.  If anything it's just people that want to steal a jet maybe.  I guess we have it better than I thought on our server, haha.
Um, I remember you NUNYA...im sure that I knifed you (or one of your friends) on the Sharqi TV Station after you tried to empty a full magazine of your G36E into me and called me a hacker ...then went psycho and spam-yelled things over the VOIP....
Wasn't me then, I hardly ever talk over VOIP.

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