Since this PC is getting a bit old these days I thought that once my exams are finished in about half a month I would splash out on a completely new pc. However seeing as I know nothing about PC parts I have only a rough idea of what is good or bad and I was hoping some people on here might be able to give me some advice on wht to buy.
I have a budget of around £750 and I need pretty much everything... except a monitor (although could use one of those as well) and mouse.
I will probably be buying from scan as I have free postage from them.
I have someone who can put it together for me
Thanks for any advice!
I have a budget of around £750 and I need pretty much everything... except a monitor (although could use one of those as well) and mouse.
I will probably be buying from scan as I have free postage from them.
I have someone who can put it together for me
Thanks for any advice!