What is the purpose of achievements if they make servers where you can get them with no effort? I joined a couple of them and started killing medics with my pyro. I was banned of course.
Stat padding ftl.
My brother joined one last night:

I have mixed feelings about the servers. On one hand, they are extremely lame. On the other hand, it keeps people from playing as retarded achievement grabbing medics on proper servers, which always ruins it for everyone else. On the third hand, if Valve hadn't made a lot of the achievements have such ridiculous requirements, maybe people wouldn't have to resort to that to get new weapons.
I've never been on one. All my achievements are legit.

I have mixed feelings about the servers. On one hand, they are extremely lame. On the other hand, it keeps people from playing as retarded achievement grabbing medics on proper servers, which always ruins it for everyone else. On the third hand, if Valve hadn't made a lot of the achievements have such ridiculous requirements, maybe people wouldn't have to resort to that to get new weapons.
I've never been on one. All my achievements are legit.
Last edited by Spidery_Yoda (2008-05-13 07:53:46)
Yeah, I caught a certain "awsm" group doing a lot of that.....
They're very funny to ruin. That's the main purpose I see in them.
They are for you to get Achievements. Because I want to get the achievements but don't want to have to play medic all the time. Also they keep people from padding in real servers.
Meh. I'd much rather have people padding there than have a medic uber a scout on a map that I'm actually trying to win.
Yeah the things we did last time was nice.Fat_Swinub wrote:
They're very funny to ruin. That's the main purpose I see in them.
Spies are going to have an even harder time! Fucken Valve! You nerf him halfway to hell already and now you're giving pyro his unlocks to finish the job? Seriously WTF? Spy was still a viable class to play even after the sapper nerf because we still had our trusty knives, Then you go and reduce our chances from landing a backstab from 1 in 2 to 1 in 9? Now you go and pull this shit? Fuck this man, Valve doesn't give a fuck about Spies. You can see it in all the updates they've released. And no removing the teleporter trail from cloaked and disguised spies is not a buff! Thats one of the stupidest things they have ever done to the spy! You're only helping those that cant play Spy, Because Spies do not use tele's! Seriously Valve WTF?Acreta wrote:
stupid thing is they are releasing them all at different intervals, which was EXTREMLY stupid.
What happens when the pyros come out?
line up the dots.
This is why scout is my primary class now. God Damn Valve nerfing everything Great!
dude wtf.David.P wrote:
Spies are going to have an even harder time! Fucken Valve! You nerf him halfway to hell already and now you're giving pyro his unlocks to finish the job? Seriously WTF? Spy was still a viable class to play even after the sapper nerf because we still had our trusty knives, Then you go and reduce our chances from landing a backstab from 1 in 2 to 1 in 9? Now you go and pull this shit? Fuck this man, Valve doesn't give a fuck about Spies. You can see it in all the updates they've released. And no removing the teleporter trail from cloaked and disguised spies is not a buff! Thats one of the stupidest things they have ever done to the spy! You're only helping those that cant play Spy, Because Spies do not use tele's! Seriously Valve WTF?
This is why scout is my primary class now. God Damn Valve nerfing everything Great!
Backstabs are still from behind. I have never once noticed myself not getting backstab from behind.
Maybe learn to play the game, and the huge influx of pyros will only be for a few days as you have seen with the medic unlocks. so stop complaining about a game you love to play and just play it.
More like line up the crit rockets.Acreta wrote:
stupid thing is they are releasing them all at different intervals, which was EXTREMLY stupid.
What happens when the pyros come out?
line up the dots.
I just joined one and built up a sentry. it cleared the server
... Do you play much?teek22 wrote:
dude wtf.David.P wrote:
Spies are going to have an even harder time! Fucken Valve! You nerf him halfway to hell already and now you're giving pyro his unlocks to finish the job? Seriously WTF? Spy was still a viable class to play even after the sapper nerf because we still had our trusty knives, Then you go and reduce our chances from landing a backstab from 1 in 2 to 1 in 9? Now you go and pull this shit? Fuck this man, Valve doesn't give a fuck about Spies. You can see it in all the updates they've released. And no removing the teleporter trail from cloaked and disguised spies is not a buff! Thats one of the stupidest things they have ever done to the spy! You're only helping those that cant play Spy, Because Spies do not use tele's! Seriously Valve WTF?
This is why scout is my primary class now. God Damn Valve nerfing everything Great!
Backstabs are still from behind. I have never once noticed myself not getting backstab from behind.
Maybe learn to play the game, and the huge influx of pyros will only be for a few days as you have seen with the medic unlocks. so stop complaining about a game you love to play and just play it.
Facestabs are relatively easy to get, and today I got 4 in a row.. lol.

I got it up to 206 before everyone left, but i forgot the screenshot. my stats show it though. lol
edit: to see better: http://img170.imageshack.us/img170/2743 … 002kh9.jpg
Last edited by Kamikaze17 (2008-05-18 01:02:01)
ignore him, hes made about 10 threads on "what would you do to make this game better" (ie, what i would do so i can be the best at this game) and "Why this game sucks and why my opinion is the only good one"joker8baller wrote:
... Do you play much?teek22 wrote:
dude wtf.David.P wrote:
Spies are going to have an even harder time! Fucken Valve! You nerf him halfway to hell already and now you're giving pyro his unlocks to finish the job? Seriously WTF? Spy was still a viable class to play even after the sapper nerf because we still had our trusty knives, Then you go and reduce our chances from landing a backstab from 1 in 2 to 1 in 9? Now you go and pull this shit? Fuck this man, Valve doesn't give a fuck about Spies. You can see it in all the updates they've released. And no removing the teleporter trail from cloaked and disguised spies is not a buff! Thats one of the stupidest things they have ever done to the spy! You're only helping those that cant play Spy, Because Spies do not use tele's! Seriously Valve WTF?
This is why scout is my primary class now. God Damn Valve nerfing everything Great!
Backstabs are still from behind. I have never once noticed myself not getting backstab from behind.
Maybe learn to play the game, and the huge influx of pyros will only be for a few days as you have seen with the medic unlocks. so stop complaining about a game you love to play and just play it.
Facestabs are relatively easy to get, and today I got 4 in a row.. lol.
imo ive never noticed a spy not excelling, ive been backstabbed in the face about 10 times now as engy, facing out of a corner.
Hmmmm, I'm actually getting a bit annoyed with the whole achievement thing. I just want to do the hard ones and be done with it.
I'm very tempted to join one.
Should I?
I'm very tempted to join one.
Should I?
Ask friends to do them with you, but otherwise, just join one .ShowMeTheMonkey wrote:
Hmmmm, I'm actually getting a bit annoyed with the whole achievement thing. I just want to do the hard ones and be done with it.
I'm very tempted to join one.
Should I?
Just wondered. Is it acceptible to stat pad for achivements when all the classes have unlockables? But on the ones where you don't play as the class, for me I never play as the demoman, but would still love his unlockables
Play what you like. It's just a game. And if you feel bad about achievement servers, you can still go there, work on your bonesaw achievement (kill x medics with your bonesaw) and ruin the game for everybody else.
Good, point. I don't really mind going on those servers and trying to bonesaw other medics. Then it's fair. Also the Scout one. Only if they don't LET you kill them.