R.I.P. Neda
+456|7147|Grapevine, TX
I can't believe what I just read! The only bad outcome that I see, is that EA does not want to keep this a long term product. I don't believe this to be the case, so I just hope to bring up my accuracy with at a new unlocked weapon right around the corner!

I was looking up the command to Hover the F-35, and I read something we all probably overlooked in the manual  on page 12, it reads, "Rise through the online ranks, starting out at Private and working your way up to Battlefield Officer commission."

Like some one else stated EA probably only anticipated people attaining 60,000 points by now, So I think this sounds like it was always planned with the development of the game.

Happy Shopping for your new weapon of choice!
+1|7154|Travis AFB, CA
Hey CMDR Dave....I .....need......more....cowbell!
WTF EA!? I worked my ass of to reach the Sergeant rank. And that i'm proud of. And lowering the requirements from 150,000 to 20,000 it's insane. I have close to 30,000 now and if this is true i'll be promoted like 4 times.  That means that i dont have do fight for those unlocks and where's the fun in that?

On the other hand WOOOZOOO!
The Mushroom Man
eh not liking that too much, the only problem i find with the ranks is it takes too long to get the guns, i just think there should be more ranks and the last one should be ubar high..

if this is so everyone will have the highest rank quickly and well meh that'd suck

http://bf2s.com/player/johnnybutane/ 4,000 comander points and silver badge? thats far too low? this cant be legit. if it is i realy realy dont like it now
The Last Man Standing
Well they have definitly lowered it, if anyone has noticed, on johnnybutane, he has the good conduct medal.  He only has 250 hours +,  so does that mean that its glitched or does it mean that they have lowered the requirements for the medals as well?  Thats a hell of a drop from 4000 to 250... thats insane!  Heres hoping its true!
And i hope the damn patch that we have waited for forever is released to day.
Repairs on request
+28|7122|Alkmaar, the Netherlands

chuyskywalker wrote:

Another: http://bf2s.com/player/miniman13/
Miniman also has the Good Conduct ribbon (=250 hrs played) while he played 231 hrs.
If this is true i should be gaining sargent in an hour (i have 19800).  To be honest i will be glad to see the ranks lowered.  It will mean people will play the game for fun instead of just for ranks and medals which will hopefully stop this stat hacking/whoring that so many people do.
Bloody Sky
Wow.... So if this is true then when I get home today (if the patch comes out on time) I will only need to get 1,000 more Global Points (I currently have a little over 19,000) then I will be a 1st Sarg. Not too sure if I can be as proud of that though......
Aussie Outlaw
How lame, rank should be earned.
Hmm it's a problem.

They are going to satisfy all the low ranked people by giving them more ranks.

They are going to have to still satisfy the really high scored people (i.e the guy with 150k points), so i wonder how the are going to get around that one.  Maybe they'll add new ranks?  But what about gun unlocks?  Unlocking them all by 25000 sucks a bit.
Also commander will suck, making it really hard for people like me (lance corp) to actually go Commander.

Also, while we're on the subject of v1.03... Artillery that doesn't teamkill?  What do you all think on this one?

EDIT: a lot of you are saying "oh noez, awards are too easy to get"
But come on, some of them REALLY took the piss.... 4000 hours AS ONE CLASS?  150,000 points AS COMMANDER?  I mean, come on!!

Last edited by Locarno (2005-10-03 01:23:41)

+4|7099|Copenhagen, Denmark
Also, while we're on the subject of v1.03... Artillery that doesn't teamkill?  What do you all think on this one?

That would be lame. A commander could blow up enemies and give awsome support to flag defending and taking. I like the fact that commanders have to THINK to use it.

a lot of you are saying "oh noez, awards are too easy to get"
But come on, some of them REALLY took the piss.... 4000 hours AS ONE CLASS?  150,000 points AS COMMANDER?  I mean, come on!!

If u wanna be good. U gotta play alot. It's the same sheit in alot of other games (WoW, DAoC, EQ etc.). Immagin how crappy it would be if EVERYONE was a master sergent? I've only got around 5.500 points and i've put alot of time into it. I know that people that have a higher rank than me KNOW how to play the game. If everyone can become highlvls in no time, it looses it's value.

One thing i'd like though is if u could change your Unlock, ONCE! I chose the wrong weapon by mistake (was tired). Now i got a G3 and i hardly play assault. I'm a Spec Op and still got my damn M4 :'(
mista sinista
i thought arty will still kill ppl on the same team but u wont get punished for it..

i for lowering alot for players like myself but i wanna have long term goals as well
+0|7153|Austria, Europe


gunnery serg. with 19k points...

and hes currently playing on

http://www.game-monitor.com/GameServer/ … .46:16567/

1.03 test server with wake island 2007 map


there is something wrong...


gunnery serg. with 8k points??? cant be

my thought is that these are beta test accounts and they all start @ gunnery to give them unlocks...

Last edited by rofo (2005-10-03 02:16:31)

Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7161|Bryan/College Station, TX

07>sin wrote:

i thought arty will still kill ppl on the same team but u wont get punished for it..

i for lowering alot for players like myself but i wanna have long term goals as well
Artillery still kills everyone in the blast zone regardless of nationality. You simply will not TK punished for them anymore and they will not count as TKs. Hence bad commanders will still be doing exactly what they are doing now and good commanders that same. It wasn't the TKs that encouraged not dropping Artillery. It was simply the skill of the player. Mutiny votes will still happen for those commanders that are bad at dropping artillery. If you team sees this and actually cares about the voiting they will vote yes to remove someone.

But this is a good thing for all good commander because it prevents the idiots who rush into artillery blasts and have no business being there from punishing the commander and giving them -4 points. So for my personal benefit I like it. But I'm sure I will scorn it once in a while when the commander does it to me. Oh well.. give and take.

As for the rank changes I think its a mistake only if they do it to an extreme amount. If they only take off some points as in 25 to 35% then I will be ok. If they do much more than that then I will be very disappointed and be pissed off at another incompitant action on the part of the EA/DICE. But it will not prevent me from playing. I hope they don't change the points needed for unlocks though. Those should be spread out like they are now IMHO.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
Get C4, here!

I bet you this change in rank structure is all backed up by sound marketing.  By the time the spec-ops expansion comes out everyone will have gained rank to the maximum.  People will start saying "well that was fun... now what?  an expansion eh."
Purposeful obscelence of a product = marketing = blingidyblingbling
I bet you this change in rank structure is all backed up by sound marketing.  By the time the spec-ops expansion comes out everyone will have gained rank to the maximum.  People will start saying "well that was fun... now what?  an expansion eh."
Purposeful obscelence of a product = marketing = blingidyblingbling
And there might be another set of weapons to unlock, or perhaps? several?
Get C4, here!

yeah the expansion is supposed to have a completely different ranking system.
thus new weapons, ranks (?), medals/awards etc.
I still think that they could lower all the ranks and add new ones.  Maybe add on multiple weapons per Class.

As for commander artillery, i've been thinking on this one.  A commander might think "ahhhh it's ok, i wont get punished for it, i'll just shove an art in there"
I think Commanders should STILL be punished, but be free if they warn anyone in the area with the "move, artillery!" command.  As for lone rangers, no punishment against them, since they should be in a team and should listen to the commander.
Well thats my 2 cents worth.
Like some one else stated EA probably only anticipated people attaining 60,000 points by now, So I think this sounds like it was always planned with the development of the game.
If you play alot you should have alot more points than that by now, it only took a month to get 60 for me.  w/e i guess we'll see when they release the patch...should be fun with all of the people who get 10 points per round as first sergeant with all of the unlocks.
Get C4, here!

Locarno wrote:

I still think that they could lower all the ranks and add new ones.  Maybe add on multiple weapons per Class.
I doubt this will happen... it's possible, but I still doubt it.  Why would EA do that when they can sucker you into buying the expansion from them?  Cmon, it's not in their best interest.
The Disconnected

But EA shouldn't have lowered the requirements for the ranks such hard. This way nearly everybody will become First Srgt after a while and it get's boring...
Get C4, here!

OholibaH wrote:


But EA shouldn't have lowered the requirements for the ranks such hard. This way nearly everybody will become First Srgt after a while and it get's boring...
Someone hasn't been listening to what I've been saying.  THATS THE IDEA :p
anyways, no point in arguing about it now... might as well wait and see what EA has in store.   

...Then I can tell you all "I told you so."
+4|7099|Copenhagen, Denmark

Locarno wrote:

I still think that they could lower all the ranks and add new ones.  Maybe add on multiple weapons per Class.

As for commander artillery, i've been thinking on this one.  A commander might think "ahhhh it's ok, i wont get punished for it, i'll just shove an art in there"
I think Commanders should STILL be punished, but be free if they warn anyone in the area with the "move, artillery!" command.  As for lone rangers, no punishment against them, since they should be in a team and should listen to the commander.
Well thats my 2 cents worth.
It already says "GET UR FAT ASS OUT OF THERE" (sort of ). I myself play commander once in a while to get practice as it. And there's nothing more annoying that suiciding jerks who think "uhhh let me get 2 points for the flag now. Maybe someone else will get it in the middle of that arty barrage"

He gets killed and thinks "mofo commander" PUNISH!

I myself ALWAYS check the radar. Only times i enter the arty zone is:
1: I'm in a helicopter and hovering over the flag (thereby not getting hit)(i dont do this if flag is in a building and i have to hover low )

2: I'm in a tank and take my chances on getting a direct hit, there by using the bombardment as cover for any infantry and i can take em out.

I like the fact that they keep the long term goals, hey... when your the first to reach a certain rank, it has meaning. Even now when i play there's TONS of Lance Corporals. I'm gonna hit Sergent soon (playing a few hours each day). It's gonna be SUCH a sweet fealing to outrank em. How much would it suck if the got what i will get, by doing squat.

Anywho... ALL POWER TO C4!
I like the idea that it gets easier to go up in ranks BUT like many other said then they need to add more of them otherwise people wont have anything to work for.
I think a way to deal with both these rank issues and point farming would be to make the ranks time based. you play for 20 hours and get lance corpral for example. some people may just join a server and stand still until the next power failure but how fun is it to have the highest rank and 0 points?
some people will probably say "then it has nothing to do with skill.." but can you honestly say it does now? people point farming on karkand as medic isnt skill in my oppinion

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