
Stubbee wrote:


What the F%^$ is random bombing?. Dropping bombs on an enemy flag ohhh the horror and injustice of it all . I suppose I could have waited until various vehicles tried to leave and then bombed them. PUSSIES! Somebody got kicked for random strafing! WTF. Give up the BF2 server guys and go play Tiddly Winks.

Went back, finished the round to get the medal then asked them, in the appropriate language, to permaban me from their shit server.

Warned by one and kicked by another for the same bomb run. Was typing when kicked so missed that screenie.
http://img161.imageshack.us/img161/6866 … 435mh9.png
Random flag bombing?  i didn't know there was any such thing.  I also strafe flags from time to time.  Gotten serveral flag defends that way completey by blind luck.  That's worst uncap raping cause the enemy only has the uncap left to them.

FathomsDown wrote:

Yesterday I got kicked for "Support whoring" which meant using a support kit to shoot server admins apparently and "Crossing the plaza wall" on Warlord. Both are really petty things but what got me was that they weren't server rules, no warning was given and I only got kicked once I started killing the admins.

The only way I can see of getting around the problem is to have some kind of ranking on the server listing. Maybe a kind of traffic light indicator in the same way that Bf2142 has for ping but based on the number of kicks/bans or feedback from users.
It is so lame how admins can kick/ban you for playing the game!!! I mean comon  You are playing the God Damn game just like they are
They kick and ban just for being good.  They get killed, get pissed, and start looking for reasons to do it.  Hell, Slavs United just banned me today for "THITIN", whatever the fuck it was supposed to mean.  Just 30 seconds earlier I got called a cheater cause I bombed a guy driving a DPV 3 times in a row at different locations on Kubra.  Been banned for being 70-1 in a jet and the reason given was "Low team points".  I've got a long list of retarded clans and admins, but at the top of mine is Hardcore Older Gamers.  Coeman, Linkman, and Nekenieh specifically.  Banned from Kubra, Ventrilo, and website within 10 minutes of each other without a single word.  Eat shit and die pussies.

Edit: Just banned from some foreign server, TERRA do BFQ, looks like some mexican shit I had a 15 ping on ;p  Reason was Team Killing.  Total TKs during my 15 minute stay = 0, total deaths = 0.  Haven't found a single Kubra server worth a shit since ESU's died.  Raging Angels had a decent one but could never get it populated consistently.

Skunkworks Clan, banned for name violation.  They must not have cared until I was 35-0.

Drunkenkillerz: La Muerte Negra flying cobra keeps getting shot down by me in the Mig.  As usual, the admins who die a lot, make shit up to kick for.  This reason was me slow flying.  Now I'm not a stupid pilot who cuts their throttle, so I try to explain to him in the simplest words that I never slow down, ever.  The best part was his gunner agreeing with him then risson jumps in and says he saw me slow fly.  Risson of course would say anything to get me out of the sky.  I tried to get myself banned so I'd never be tempted to join their server again, but the moron didn't have ban rights.

Last edited by hol0caust (2008-05-26 11:06:41)

Beep bep.
+85|6684|Stealth on Grand Bazaar

I've been playing BF2 again a bit recently, for a sniper movie I'm going to produce. It was a bit hush hush, but as this has come up I thought I should share. I've always thought Candy's was a long standing, respectable clan, I often go on their servers and enjoy the map rotation. But last night after about 10 seconds I was banned, I asked my friend who was in the server for what reason ... it was hacking.

Now I went on their forums to appeal, as I do actually like their server maps/ping etc. I found a post about my previous sniper video Silver & Cold already on there saying I was cheating with some 'hitbox' hack...

This is how I enlightened them:


You clearly are a bunch of morons to think I cheat. Lets set you straight on a few things.

1) How I can be 'suspect as fuck'... right lets go into this. I made that movie with something called FRAPS, I don't know if you have any idea what that is, so I'll explain as you seem to be lacking in any common sense. It's a video recording program which records whats on my screen. So whatever 'cheat' I had would be on my screen, surely.

2) 1 shot headshots are quite possible you fucking idiots as its a sniper rifle. Just because you have no idea how to snipe or what a 'dragshot' is doesn't mean its a cheat.

ThePuffPastryHangman;25192 wrote:

How anyone can watch that video and not think he's cheating is beyond me...

To me it seems blatent...
Does it REALLY, well I'm sure you know alot about sniping.

ThePuffPastryHangman;25192 wrote:

I watched that entire video and not once did he hold the trigger down to see the 'flash-crosshairs', to tell you if the shot connected...
Your an idiot. Really stupid, just stop playing BF2 right now, you are that bad at sniping you sit in full view of every other enemy on the server WAITING for your 'flash-crosshairs' to connect! LOL. BF2 is shitty for hit-reg, everyone knows this, when you shoot people often the 'flash' you speak of doesn't even show, when it does, it sometimes doesn't actually record a full hit on a person, so alot of the time it's your judgement that allows you to risk the 1 shot kill and drag a headshot, quickly reloading, or get your pistol out to finish them off. Often in CQC situations, you don't have time to waste thinking about how wonderful your shot was

ThePuffPastryHangman;25192 wrote:

If you are a regular sniper, in my view, it is absolutely essential to observe the 'flash-crosshair' thingy to see if the shot you fired connected with the target. To not do this is a sign of 1 of 2 things a) you are a complete schoolboy with very little experience of sniping in battlefield, or b) you are a cheating toerag.
Regular sniper eh? Well clearly you aren't, you seem very green to me. I think schoolboy probably sums you up. You never wait to observe the shot as your holding your trigger, scoped in, with your head a nice little target, a low armoured sniper, for everyone to shoot at. Thats just fucking stupid. The either/or is absolute bollocks. Either your a idiot/ or you can actually play the game.

ThePuffPastryHangman;25192 wrote:

There were many instances of headshoting people on full sprint... and even more compelling evidence of cheating: headshotting a bunnyhopper out of mid-air... that, frankly, is f***ing bullshit.... Out of 9000 odd sniper kills I have, I could still count on one hand the number of times I have hit someone mid bunnyhop, and connected.... and thats without killing them.The hitboxes on BF2 simply are too shit to even allow an attempt at the oppertunity.

He is what I am (worryingly) seeing more and more of in in BF2... a magic bullet firing c***.

What I can assume after watching that video is, whatever hacks he is using, not one of them is an aim bot (by the look of it).
Oh dear, yet again you fall flat on your face here.

9000 sniper kills. Wow, I had probably over 25000 in total on all my accounts. With over 600 hrs on the kit. Yes alot of the shots you take on moving people in mid-air don't register. Thats why out of maybe 3 days of footage taken, I only got a couple of those in my movie. Thats what EDITING is all about, showing off your BEST shots. That said if you can only count them on one hand, you can't really snipe. You really do seem simple to me.

BF2 hitboxes are indeed shit, I grant you that one. Attempting to shoot someone at full sprint? Or bunnyhopping? So thats hitbox 'hacks' is it? LOL again no. Hitboxes on BF2 lagg behind the player, often when you aim at their head it doesn't even register as the server is trying to catch up with the info its receiving/sending to your PC, so when you shoot AT someone your often firing quicker than the server can relay data. So you can catch the hitboxes of someone who is often round a corner, or in mid-air, by knowing how the hitboxes on BF2 work. Clearly, you don't know.

EA built in Interpolation which is a prediction for where your target is going...this is so you don't get a jumpy image of the server receiving and sending data every couple of milliseconds. This means that with built up reflexes, you can often flick a shot at someone, as you saw in the video, and get a headshot because you can 'predict' just as EA Interpolation can. I know this a little technical for you lot, but I'd like to enlighten you on how BF2 works, as it seems to me you need to learn...afterall your clan has been around as long as BF2, yet you still don't know the basics.

There is no 'magic bullet fucker', no dodgy hitbox hacks, just knowledge and a load of time playing sniper on BF2.

Arthur948;25201 wrote:

haha, how obvious. I was there too when that guy was on. Look at the numbers of COF there, too.

First thing he answered when told him was: im not hacking, watch my videos here & you´ll see, yes, i watched and saw he was a cheatn-arse.

No discussions need on him.

"Ban 4 Life"
This kid, another idiot. What do you think I'm going to say when someone accuses me. My videos are the prefect example of legit play yet you STILL can't cope. Something called 'denial', even if it's staring you in the face, you still don't want to believe it. Someone should ban him for being a judgemental prick. Do you know anything? No.

SinfulDesires;25206 wrote:

As said before defo chaetinf scumbag.

Check out his kill to death ratio, total kills 297611 - total deaths 8.

Just laughable
Ofcourse I'm cheating ye sure...again NO, your presuming something because you already want to decide for yourself. No I was stats hacked, along with most of the top players on the BF2 leaderboard by a little hacking prick called Sharpshot, who thought that, as I pointed out he was, as you put it, 'a cheating scumbag' (although you can't really spell) on public forums, it would be funny to fuck up my stats which I'd been working hard on. I was nearly at 2 star...so yes at that point you looked, my stats were hacked. And ofcourse instead of EA solving the problem by stopping people hacking their master server, they just reset everyone affected. Another bunch of twats to match you lot. I have since come back to BF2, after 3 months away, and requested through EA Customer Support that I have my rank and global score reinstated so I can get my unlocks...just because someone has a high rank and hardly any stats doesn't mean they have been reset for cheating. It means so dickhead couldn't cope with told where to go on bf2tracker.com's forums.

Arthur948;25222 wrote:

THX, PADDY. I am glad we have no1 saying "He´s just GOOD"

Fuckn Hackers, its just like winning against todays terrorists, if ya all know what i mean.....

And i have seen these tools,too. But no need 4 me to have any more distractions on the gameplay.

Ill BAN him when ever im on & seeing him !!
LOL. Well if you still think that, after all that I've just said then you are so thick, that really why your still breathing is beyond me. I dunno what tools your talking about but whatever that it you can run with it all you like, your just talking crap.

Hf thinking about unbanning me, which is unlikely since I've just humiliated you on your own forums. But tbh, you've asked for it. I'm gonna post this, along with your website on some public forums I know, who will LOL at how stupid you lot are, and probably enjoy coming on your server to own you. It's ok they aren't hackers! They are just good, unlike you.

I'd like to request a ban aswell, all you admins, who have no idea how to play the game, don't like getting 1 shotted by snipers, or think that shooting someone in mid-air is hacking. Ban yourselves for being fucking idiots.



Now you unfortunately have to register before reading their forums on their website. So many of my will probably decide not to bother, but if some of you more willing people on here, who actually know that dragshotting on BF2 isn't a cheat, go on their and educate them I would be thankful. Thats probably the most aggressive appeal I've written, basically because I was THAT pissed off and laughing at how fucking stupid they were.

Their website is www.candys.cc

This was my thread: http://www.candys.cc/candys/showthread. … #post25918 (Which will probably be deleted after I've written that) But the record is on here.

Feel free to go on their infantry server, you talented people, and show them that getting 20/1 isn't hacking, it's just skill that they don't have.
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob
Welcome to bf2, unfortunately the worst and stupidest players generally run servers.

Candy's banned me ages ago as well, I don't usually bother appealing bans anymore, it's just an excuse for bad players to circle jerk over how great they are at admin that they've caught a 'blatant hacker'
Carl Gustav <3333
what amaises me though is that there an english clan but there all fecking irish, twats.... they anoy me they do (not the irish but that can add to it) server admins with no idea, so i too decided to humiliate them on there teamspeak. So imature and no clue, they were actually saying that i was hacking too and they also said to me the same old bullshit "oh you can cover up hacks with fraps" uhm no you cant and even if you tryed it would have to be a shit load of photoshoping and thats only for  a still pic so youd have to do it for every single frame in the frame, no one would even bother. But yet some retards dont understanding and all you gotta do is smile and think i hope that in 20 years time they ll be thinking "god i sounded dumn as fuck back then shame on me".
Germans did 911
+427|6994|Disaster Free Zone
Here's a  list of what not to do when appealing a ban.

  • You clearly are a bunch of morons
  • as you seem to be lacking in any common sense
  • you fucking idiots
  • You're an idiot. Really stupid,
  • you're an idiot
  • You really do seem simple
  • This kid, another idiot.
  • being a judgemental prick.
  • although you can't really spell (either can you)
  • Another bunch of twats to match you lot
  • you are so thick
  • Ban yourselves for being fucking idiots.

Insult after insult after insult... Do you expect anyone to either take your case seriously or care when all you can do is bad mouth people and call them idiots?
Since day One.
I allways knew Candy's SUCK as i was also kicked several times from thier servers for dumb reasons like:

1. High ping (what was around 50)
2. TK (what i never do)
3. Stealing APC/Tank (yeah sure only admins are allowed to use em)
4. Nade spam
5. Basecamp (for blowing up their shit with ma C4)
+405|6776|A W S M F O X

nighthawk843 wrote:

Because this is clearly important.
Beep bep.
+85|6684|Stealth on Grand Bazaar

AWSMFOX wrote:

nighthawk843 wrote:

Because this is clearly important.
Clearly because your illiterate you couldnt actually read most of the words. Aren't you that Aussie who whines on about some bollocks in another post. Least mine is constructive. And I don't give a shit about you either.

And Drunkface, I agree, but I wanted to humiliate them. I've been nice so many times before and not got anywhere. They clearly weren't going to unban me after the first post I made (being nice) so I decided to shove their shit back down their throats. People like this need to know what utter twats they are.

Last edited by nighthawk843 (2008-06-04 04:57:45)

+405|6776|A W S M F O X

nighthawk843 wrote:

AWSMFOX wrote:

nighthawk843 wrote:

Because this is clearly important.
Clearly because your illiterate you couldnt actually read most of the words. Aren't you that Aussie who whines on about some bollocks in another post. Least mine is constructive. And I don't give a shit about you either.

And Drunkface, I agree, but I wanted to humiliate them. I've been nice so many times before and not got anywhere. They clearly weren't going to unban me after the first post I made (being nice) so I decided to shove their shit back down their throats. People like this need to know what utter twats they are.
Cool, because making 1000 grammatical errors makes you seem smart, sophisticated and witty. Constructive? Constructive in the sense you constructed an essay about being ban& from some randie server, wow, cool, this has never happened before in the history of online gaming. Never. We all need to contemplate how this outrageous act impacts our social order, why, the very fabric of existence! Next time just make a 50 word post about why the server fails and how the admins are berks etc etc etc, because this format has worked for thousands of others before you and says the same thing.

kthnxbai randie.
+163|6960|Odessa, Ukraine

DrunkFace wrote:

  • You clearly are a bunch of morons
  • as you seem to be lacking in any common sense
  • you fucking idiots
  • You're an idiot. Really stupid,
  • you're an idiot
  • You really do seem simple
  • This kid, another idiot.
  • being a judgemental prick.
  • although you can't really spell (either can you)
  • Another bunch of twats to match you lot
  • you are so thick
  • Ban yourselves for being fucking idiots.
Last one is my favourite:P It is
Because f*ck you that's why.
+400|6904|Reisterstown, MD

Three things on this one.
1. Never go into a squad's website with the intentions of trying to get a banned reversed.  99 percent of the time, it results in insults being flung about.  It doesn't do anything but enable interweb fights.
2. Correct grammar is your friend.
3. I got banned from that server last year for teabagging the admin there.  So yea, I would believe that those "people" will ban just for getting p00ned by someone else.

Last edited by killer21 (2008-06-04 05:45:28)

Steve Irwin Reincarnate

AWSMFOX wrote:

nighthawk843 wrote:

AWSMFOX wrote:

Because this is clearly important.
Clearly because your illiterate you couldnt actually read most of the words. Aren't you that Aussie who whines on about some bollocks in another post. Least mine is constructive. And I don't give a shit about you either.

And Drunkface, I agree, but I wanted to humiliate them. I've been nice so many times before and not got anywhere. They clearly weren't going to unban me after the first post I made (being nice) so I decided to shove their shit back down their throats. People like this need to know what utter twats they are.
Cool, because making 1000 grammatical errors makes you seem smart, sophisticated and witty. Constructive? Constructive in the sense you constructed an essay about being ban& from some randie server, wow, cool, this has never happened before in the history of online gaming. Never. We all need to contemplate how this outrageous act impacts our social order, why, the very fabric of existence! Next time just make a 50 word post about why the server fails and how the admins are berks etc etc etc, because this format has worked for thousands of others before you and says the same thing.

kthnxbai randie.
The incorrect use of 'b&' in that post is the only error I can find focksy meight

Theres a thread for this somewhere tbh *waits for mod*

I got banned from Candy's about 2 years back I think, I'd only been playing 3 weeks or so and got banned for 'l33t h4x ' again I was sniping, nothing as flamboyant as drag shotting just running about like a psycho with my M24 like I usually did.

99% of admins are the same, own their face too often they throw a wobbler and ban you, it's usually the main reason they rent a server, which is the main reason I've not played BF2 for getting on for 5 months now, the biggest downfall of online gaming is the players.
Field Marshal | o |
+142|7034|Ireland | Monaghan

That sucks, it's always the snipers that happens too, find a better server you should, to be honest the best ones I find now are the ones that admins are never on... I have only ever been rage banned as a sniper <3 SVD, very annoying. I'd love to bust the fuckers if I ever seem them.

Just look at it like this, they banned you cause you were too good for them.


mooneyno1 wrote:

what amaises me though is that there an english clan but there all fecking irish, twats.... they anoy me they do (not the irish but that can add to it) .
no u
Intel Core i7 CPU 920 @ 4GHz || 3x2 GB OCZ 1600Mhz DDR3 || 80GB Intel X25-M Gen 2 || KFA2 GTX 480 1536Mb ||| Samsung T220 || Xonar DX 7.1 || AV 40 || P6T Deluxe V2 || Win 7 HP 64 Bit || Lian Li P80
+1 cause you got banned!
Carl Gustav <3333

AWSMFOX wrote:

nighthawk843 wrote:

AWSMFOX wrote:

Because this is clearly important.
Clearly because your illiterate you couldnt actually read most of the words. Aren't you that Aussie who whines on about some bollocks in another post. Least mine is constructive. And I don't give a shit about you either.

And Drunkface, I agree, but I wanted to humiliate them. I've been nice so many times before and not got anywhere. They clearly weren't going to unban me after the first post I made (being nice) so I decided to shove their shit back down their throats. People like this need to know what utter twats they are.
Cool, because making 1000 grammatical errors makes you seem smart, sophisticated and witty. Constructive? Constructive in the sense you constructed an essay about being ban& from some randie server, wow, cool, this has never happened before in the history of online gaming. Never. We all need to contemplate how this outrageous act impacts our social order, why, the very fabric of existence! Next time just make a 50 word post about why the server fails and how the admins are berks etc etc etc, because this format has worked for thousands of others before you and says the same thing.

kthnxbai randie.
you just sound like a fucking geak, so stfu. Go bum chess with your mates and buy some pocket protectors you sad wa**er
+405|6776|A W S M F O X

mooneyno1 wrote:

AWSMFOX wrote:

nighthawk843 wrote:

Clearly because your illiterate you couldnt actually read most of the words. Aren't you that Aussie who whines on about some bollocks in another post. Least mine is constructive. And I don't give a shit about you either.

And Drunkface, I agree, but I wanted to humiliate them. I've been nice so many times before and not got anywhere. They clearly weren't going to unban me after the first post I made (being nice) so I decided to shove their shit back down their throats. People like this need to know what utter twats they are.
Cool, because making 1000 grammatical errors makes you seem smart, sophisticated and witty. Constructive? Constructive in the sense you constructed an essay about being ban& from some randie server, wow, cool, this has never happened before in the history of online gaming. Never. We all need to contemplate how this outrageous act impacts our social order, why, the very fabric of existence! Next time just make a 50 word post about why the server fails and how the admins are berks etc etc etc, because this format has worked for thousands of others before you and says the same thing.

kthnxbai randie.
you just sound like a fucking geak, so stfu. Go bum chess with your mates and buy some pocket protectors you sad wa**er
Cool, you just sound like a 13yo kid who's run out of ritalin.
+3,936|6813|so randum

mooneyno1 wrote:

AWSMFOX wrote:

nighthawk843 wrote:

Clearly because your illiterate you couldnt actually read most of the words. Aren't you that Aussie who whines on about some bollocks in another post. Least mine is constructive. And I don't give a shit about you either.

And Drunkface, I agree, but I wanted to humiliate them. I've been nice so many times before and not got anywhere. They clearly weren't going to unban me after the first post I made (being nice) so I decided to shove their shit back down their throats. People like this need to know what utter twats they are.
Cool, because making 1000 grammatical errors makes you seem smart, sophisticated and witty. Constructive? Constructive in the sense you constructed an essay about being ban& from some randie server, wow, cool, this has never happened before in the history of online gaming. Never. We all need to contemplate how this outrageous act impacts our social order, why, the very fabric of existence! Next time just make a 50 word post about why the server fails and how the admins are berks etc etc etc, because this format has worked for thousands of others before you and says the same thing.

kthnxbai randie.
you just sound like a fucking geak, so stfu. Go bum chess with your mates and buy some pocket protectors you sad wa**er
It's the internet, you can swear if you want.

I doubt mummy's going to be looking over your shoulder all the time.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob

AWSMFOX wrote:

nighthawk843 wrote:

Because this is clearly important.
You're bad at bf2, cease typing
Official Battlefield fanboy
+240|6461|San Antonio, Texas

nighthawk843 wrote:

There is no 'magic bullet'
Actually, you're wrong there: http://www.buythebullet.com/

Game on, I say. Clearly, it's sunken into their heads that you're a 'blatant hacker'. Who needs 'em? Find a better server.
Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|7060|Mexico City
Im with you man,
there´s too many pathetics morons as admins that when they see someone that is way better than them they inmmediatly say "hack".
Nice of you to insult them, they deserved it.
Carl Gustav <3333

FatherTed wrote:

mooneyno1 wrote:

AWSMFOX wrote:

Cool, because making 1000 grammatical errors makes you seem smart, sophisticated and witty. Constructive? Constructive in the sense you constructed an essay about being ban& from some randie server, wow, cool, this has never happened before in the history of online gaming. Never. We all need to contemplate how this outrageous act impacts our social order, why, the very fabric of existence! Next time just make a 50 word post about why the server fails and how the admins are berks etc etc etc, because this format has worked for thousands of others before you and says the same thing.

kthnxbai randie.
you just sound like a fucking geak, so stfu. Go bum chess with your mates and buy some pocket protectors you sad wa**er
It's the internet, you can swear if you want.

I doubt mummy's going to be looking over your shoulder all the time.
yea but you notice how i dont put stars in everything i say, would you want me to say ni**er without the stars, some people think no, i rest my case
Boat sig is not there anymore
Find them on another server , kill them with a dragshot and teabag them.

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