1. Go to
http://www.daemon-tools.cc and download this program, here is the dowload page
http://www.daemon-tools.cc/dtcc/downloa … mp;catid=5
2. Install D-Tools on your pc.
3. Run the program after you have installed it.
4. Download these 2 files and place them in your battlefield folder located with the bf2.exe.
http://www.bf2stats.nl/bf2mini-skl.mdfhttp://www.bf2stats.nl/bf2mini-skl.mds5. Now right click on the icon in tray, click on "Virtual CD/DVD-Rom >", click on "Device 0: [...:] No media >", click on "Mount image"
6. Go to the folder where you placed those 2 files and select bf2mini-skl.mds
7. Now d-tools has created an image of your bf2 cd
8. Right click the icon again, and click exit. The program doesnt need to run, because it has always mounted an image now.
If you have done everything correctly you should see a new dvd drive called something like "BF2 DVD". Now bf2 wont ask for the cd anymore, and punkbuster can't see this as some people say.
Hope that helps!