.Flymo wrote:
A) i'm far from best in Aus, dont put words into my mouth
B) No i'm not meboy you halfwit 2 seconds of light reading would of given you this answer.
C) DC aK^ and it's Plus moron not -minus. Are all worthy players but saying that only these 3 clan can have a good lineup is such a stupid comment. For example aK^ and plus are still around, they have good players but they dont have all the best in Aus why? cadre have Aus's best chopper piolt and one of the best solo artists also have Hutchy/ instigator who is one of the best jet piolts around.
So before you make idiotic comments think m80. you wont make a fool of yourself.
Ok, I pesevered through your idiocy.
A) Stop strutting around like you're good then. If I haven't heard of you you're not good enough to talk shit
B) My 2 seconds of light reading through your disgustingly bad posts and I misunderstood a post as I'm capped and couldn't be bothered waiting for screenshots to load.
-MINUS was a clan rip off of +plus, but you wouldn't know that because you're some scrub that showed up after the second GA season amirite? And as I said, the
old aK^, Dc* and -minus were the best around. Everyone after them are nowhere near as good as what they were. Despite their quit. There about 5 people that weren't in those clans that are worth a mention of being good, most of which don't play anymore
tl;dr no one who plays is decent compared to the older players.