Bell wrote:
.Sup wrote:
Freezer7Pro wrote:
If you're not OCing, I'd go for the E8400 any day.
Whats that supposed to mean? E8400 can't be OCed well?
Probably not. I think he means that if your not going to overclock (ATALL) then a stock clock E8400 is going to be much better than a stock E6300 (obviously), I doubt he was being detrimental towards the E8400, just simply on a stock setting basis, the E8400 is the much better choice.
The E6300 is really not worth the title "6", as it's only got 2MB L2 cache, so it's really an E4300 that's 60MHz faster and on 1066MHz bus. It should really be something like "E4350" or something. It's got a horribly low multiplier, so it's generally not a good clocker. If you can, however, get it to 3+GHz, I see no real reason getting an E8400 over it, as it's a fast enough CPU to make it around. There are still people on P4s, you know