Killhouse is shit the rest i quite like.
Nothing much left to discuss. They are simply horrible horrible maps.
i like china town but i hate creek broadcast and killhouse.
*Except chinatown.
Killhouse is maybe the worst map ever created, seriously. Shipment is actually a better map. Creek = laggggggggggggg. And station is plain rubbish.
Killhouse is maybe the worst map ever created, seriously. Shipment is actually a better map. Creek = laggggggggggggg. And station is plain rubbish.
You lag on Creek? New rig methinks for you.AWSMFOX wrote:
*Except chinatown.
Killhouse is maybe the worst map ever created, seriously. Shipment is actually a better map. Creek = laggggggggggggg. And station is plain rubbish.
They suck.
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
The original Carentan worked out much better tbh.
No, bad rig is not the issue. Its not bad lag, just enough to annoy.TheEternalPessimist wrote:
You lag on Creek? New rig methinks for you.AWSMFOX wrote:
*Except chinatown.
Killhouse is maybe the worst map ever created, seriously. Shipment is actually a better map. Creek = laggggggggggggg. And station is plain rubbish.
I have no problems on it runs perfectly fine.
Odd. Anyway, even if it didn't I wouldn't play it.TheEternalPessimist wrote:
I have no problems on it runs perfectly fine.
Creek > You.
Broadcast > You.
Chinatown > You.
Killhouse = You.
Creek is the shit. I love sneaking around with my silenced pistol.
Broadcast > You.
Chinatown > You.
Killhouse = You.
Creek is the shit. I love sneaking around with my silenced pistol.
Stop it you'll go blind.DefCon-17 wrote:
Creek > You.
Broadcast > You.
Chinatown > You.
Killhouse = You.
Creek is the shit. I love sneaking around with my silenced pistol.
I like Broadcast. Creek is too one sided. Chinatown was fun at first but got very boring. Killhouse is only good with 3-5 players per team. It is worse than shipment.

I played them all on the Sexbox before they came out on PC. I liked them, new content always feels nice, and only played Killhouse local (with 3 other mates).
When I got them on my PC I was pretty happy, although I do get some lag on Creek, as said above.
Was able to play Killhouse with about 9 other people surprisingly well, and won infact
Love the maps. Needs more "patch" content though, such as the killcam etc.
When I got them on my PC I was pretty happy, although I do get some lag on Creek, as said above.
Was able to play Killhouse with about 9 other people surprisingly well, and won infact
Love the maps. Needs more "patch" content though, such as the killcam etc.
DefCon-17 wrote:
Creek > You.
Broadcast > You.
Chinatown > You.
Killhouse = You.
Creek is the shit. I love sneaking around with my silenced pistol.
Your terrible, apperciate what you get fucking asshole.
I like Broadcast, the others are crap.
I do exactly the same thing, play sniper all the time just for the ghillie suit then run about with a silenced USPDefCon-17 wrote:
Creek is the shit. I love sneaking around with my silenced pistol.
ChinaTown and Broadcast are fine, the other 2 on the other hand....
what the fuck
they're lame imo.
what the fuck
they're lame imo.
killhouse is actually a bad ass aimmap to play with your team, 2v2 tdm or ffa
Killhouse is a pwnage map, i love it...
/agree. I hate them all. Killhouse = Shipment 2.0, and the rest are just too big for CoD4. I like CoD4 because of its fast pace and how much movement and flanking there is. On these new maps I've just seen camping galore. And since so many servers out there have these new crappy maps in their rotation, I've resorted to playing BF2 a whole lot more.
I kind of like them all in a way. But why is the Carentan map set in China?
I like Broadcast and Creek, Chinatown/Carentan is ok, but killhouse seems to be shipment all over again. Although, 2v2 might be good on it....
EE (hats
2v2 is awesome on killhouse