Alright , i've gone through assloads of programs over the years on this computer, usually deleting, rarely uninstalling , because im lazy, and i've ran multiple registry fix programs, but my computer still has things in the registry/crap in the add/remove programs still, any guarenteed ways to get rid of all of it without reformatting or manually doing it one by one?
used Ccleaner?

yep used that
whut did you do to my sig? lolz

Woah its a hidden Reaper, lmao
everything i write is a ramble and should not be taken seriously.... seriously. ♥
Yeah who uses other peoples sigs, sheesh.
My state was founded by Batman. Your opinion is invalid.
Isn't it just as easy to uninstal as it is to delete?MECtallica wrote:
...usually deleting, rarely uninstalling , because im lazy, ...
Anyway, I can't fix your problem; my registry is fubar too. But I will say that every program I've used detects a whole lot of issues but only removes some of them. Then it asks for money